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About areli88

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  1. ASU Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    hi everyone, quick question do we need to take the form to the student services offices or is it ok to mail it? thanks by the way, I will be marking acceptance to any of the two with a preference for the downtown campus ( cant afford summer school)...
  2. ASU Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    Hi Jbackphx, I originally applied for the spring 2010 semester. The entrance score for the summer was actually lower than the spring so I think I would have gotten in if it were the summer program I applied for. Thank you so much for your encouragi...
  3. ASU Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    hi, this is my second time applying for the upper division program at ASU. Last time I missed the cutoff by .04 of a point. I was on the alternate list but never heard anything else. Initially i was somewhat confident that i would get in. I did well ...
  4. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    Hey cna to crna to be,I talked to a girl that got in but relinquished her spot because she is pregnant, she said the counsler told her she was the fourth person to talk to them about not taking their spot. So there might still be hope for us to get i...
  5. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    oh well , thanks for the repiles guys
  6. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    I didnt get in either im on the alternate list. I was wondering how i know which number I am on the alternate list?
  7. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    thanks for the update, i too am very anxious to find out good luck to everyone
  8. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    thanks scperez11, for some reason i was thinking it was higher, but im glad it was 5.593 because it means i might have a chance
  9. Any ASU Spring 2010 applicants out there?

    hi, i applied for spring 2010 also. does anyone know what the cut off was for fall 2009?