Hi all, I'm a pre-nursing student, but I just thought this would be sorta fun to talk about. So all the current nurses, nursing students and soon-to-be-nurses, what's the one thing you just can't STAND...
For example....
I currently work with nurses (for about 2+ yrs now), and I know some of them just cannot take vomit, they can handle just about anything, but NOT vomit.
I know of others who can't stand anything to do with eyes, puss coming out of them you know all that gross stuff. I can personally attest to that, ugh I hate anything to do with eyes. It gives me the willies.
I also have nurses, who are bosses at starting lines, drawing bloods and what not, but absolutely freaks at the thought of having their own blood drawn or recieveing shots (which is pretty hysterical, watching them get their blood drawn ) I know of one nurse, who is so afraid of anyone drawing her blood, she starts her own line in her arm and draw her own blood. Trust me I've seen her do it.
The one thing I have learned, while working with my nurses, is that because certain things gross you out, it doesn't mean you are a bad nurse, or can't be a nurse. After all we are only human.
SO, in the spirit of things, what give YOU the willies...