Arizona State University - Summer/Fall 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Who else here is applying to ASU for the summer or fall 2014 cohort? Applications are all due February 1! There are 60 spots for summer dpc, 60 spots for fall dpc, 30 spots for fall at Mayo, and 20 spots for fall at the VA hospital. Lots of options this year. What are you guys choosing? How is your GPA and TEAS? I'm going to be a nervous wreck until i get a letter in the mail that will either confirm or squash my dreams. I really want to get into Mayo. That would be so awesome.

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Bummed. :scrying: got placed on the alternate list. I was accepted at GCU and just got an acceptance letter from Maricopa Nursing so at least there are other options. Anyone else hear back yet?

Celeste: You could still get in! Don't give up hope :) Plus, it's great you have other choices available to you!

I am so thankful that I have been accepted for summer program (my first choice)...WOOHOOO! Can't wait to see you all there!

I got a rejection letter. ): Does anybody know what the cutoff score was?

And congratulations to everyone who got in! I'm so happy for you!

I got provisional acceptance into the summer program! Exciting! :]

Congratulations! Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I am grateful for more choices :).

I'm in for summer! Congrats everyone!

I got provisional acceptance too! Summer program, my first choice. (No clue what the cutoff score was. How do we find out? )

Congrats everyone! I just received my advancement for the Mayo Clinic cohort, my first choice. Let me know if you'll be at Mayo as well! :)

Congratulations, everyone! I got accepted for the summer program, which was my first choice. Looking forward to May!

I got a rejection letter. ): Does anybody know what the cutoff score was?

And congratulations to everyone who got in! I'm so happy for you!

Don't stay bummed for too long. You still have to do good in Patho, and hopefully you'll be able to reapply w/ a higher GPA for the following semester. When I took the TEAS there were a handful of people taking the test that day who didn't get in the first time either. When the next application cycle comes up, make sure that Patho grade replaces a lower one and do your best to crush the TEAS.

I'm not sure how much you can improve on your TEAS score but 90%+ is possible and should be a realistic goal you need to demand of yourself. With the TEAS weighing 50% of your advancement score, treat it with the importance that it deserves.

Unofficially, from a super official person w/in the administration of the nursing program wrote on a piece paper for me:

"For 2013: 1.85 competitive. 1.65 low end"

Nothing is going to stop you from becoming a nurse if that's your goal. Look at this "setback" for what it is... it's just a setback. You will get into a program. Not getting into ASU the first time around will not make you any less of the nurse in the future than someone who got into the program the first time around.

Getting into a program is an important step to becoming a nurse but it's just the first step of thousands, steps that we can't even fathom yet, into becoming a good nurse and a great employee. Don't get down on yourself because you stumbled at step "C" when none of us in this thread have no idea what step "G" even looks like yet.

Maybe you can look back at this and think about how absurd it will be when you got a patient in critical condition, due to a motorcycle accident, saying:

"Is that Secretwindow? I heard she didn't get into ASU the first time. She's assigned to me? Ugh... I'd rather just bleed out and die..."

Yeah... that sounds pretty dumb. Stay as positive as you can or get yourself a bottle of liquor/wine/beer and b*tch it out over the weekend -- and get back to work on Monday.

Don't forget; we need to have our "intent to enroll" forms returned by this Thursday.

Congrats to everyone who got accepted!! I received my provisional acceptance email last week for fall 14 downtown and just turned in my intent to enroll yesterday. I'm excited and nervous at the same time because of the "provisional" acceptance... can anyone offer some advice about what possibly hinder one's chances of starting the program?


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