Are all NYC hospitals like this???

U.S.A. New York


I'm doing a travel assignment at Maimonides and I am frightened! They put isolation patients in the same room with 3 other patients, the charting makes no sense (computer AND paper charting), no pyxis, 4 patients in every room, bad attitudes among the workers, and equipment that looks like stuff from the 1970s. Plus our classroom orientation was incredibly disorganized.

I've just started and am dreading going back to work tomorrow night.

Are all NYC hospitals this ugly, badly organized, and flat-out nasty??

O, I don't know. I am actually from LI -traveled for one assignment (to Utah) and just returned. My agency is trying to get me a local contract, and I am terrified of NYC hospitals! You may have just solidified my worries. I'll probably just skip it and head out again in May. Are things getting any better?

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

Sounds like BI on Manhattan.

No, there are nicer facilities. Try NYP Cornell.

O, I don't know. I am actually from LI -traveled for one assignment (to Utah) and just returned. My agency is trying to get me a local contract, and I am terrified of NYC hospitals! You may have just solidified my worries. I'll probably just skip it and head out again in May. Are things getting any better?

Well I'm not frightened anymore-- but I do hate it. I'm trying to look at it as a character-building experience. Haha. I'm miserable here, though, to be honest.

How was Utah? Where are you working until May?

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Are you talking about hospitals under New York Health and Hospital Corporation? If so, I work at one, and, sorry to say, they are that horrible. I am trying to get my experience and run for the hills. Private hospitals are much, much, much better. Try your hand there. Their standards are much higher. Good luck!:)

Specializes in Nurses who are mentally sicked.

pagandeva2000...please read the OP's message very carefully...she is doing a traveling assignment right now and the OP is working in Maimonides which is a private hospital. I don't know anything about Maimonides, but I did hear some horrible story about the hospital.

I am now working for one of the HHC Hospitals...previously I was working for Bellevue and I did not stay there long. But the one I am working for right now is a good one....and I have no intention to resign.

Specializes in Nurses who are mentally sicked.
Sounds like BI on Manhattan.

No, there are nicer facilities. Try NYP Cornell.

An agency that would send you to NYP is Staff Blue....I never worked there, but when my friend got sick, I visited him once...and it seem to me the hospital is very organized.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
pagandeva2000...please read the OP's message very carefully...she is doing a traveling assignment right now and the OP is working in Maimonides which is a private hospital. I don't know anything about Maimonides, but I did hear some horrible story about the hospital.

I am now working for one of the HHC Hospitals...previously I was working for Bellevue and I did not stay there long. But the one I am working for right now is a good one....and I have no intention to resign.

Not trying to be rude, but I am really attempting to understand your point. The poster did ask if all New York City Hospitals are this way, and I asked if it were under HHC; because, personally, I have seen rough practices quite similar to what was mentioned. Maybe I misunderstood what she was asking regarding the opinion of NYC hospitals in general, but my answer had nothing to do with his/her assignment in Maimonides. I am happy to see that you have a good experience in HHC and choose not to resign. Not everyone has the same opinion.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
I'm doing a travel assignment at Maimonides and I am frightened! They put isolation patients in the same room with 3 other patients, the charting makes no sense (computer AND paper charting), no pyxis, 4 patients in every room, bad attitudes among the workers, and equipment that looks like stuff from the 1970s. Plus our classroom orientation was incredibly disorganized.

I've just started and am dreading going back to work tomorrow night.

Are all NYC hospitals this ugly, badly organized, and flat-out nasty??

Wow! How horrible for you! Exactly where are you working in the hospital? I know that Maimonides has private Isolation rooms and most floors are two to a room unless you are working in the ICUs. It is a private hospital.

I hope since your first post that things have gotten better.

Maimonides #1 in technology.

OMG really? That is a JOKE. They don't even use a pyxis for crying out loud. Old-school paging system that wakes all the patients up and all the machinery looks about 20-30 years old. I've used computer charting before but they way they do it here is ridiculous and does not even end paper waste, which I thought was the whole point of computer charting. The scary thing is I keep hearing that Maimonides is one of the better hospitals in NYC. Yikes.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Sooo, I guess it hasn't gotten better huh? LOL. :roll

ETA: I'm still curious though as to what area you're working in that has iso. pts and 4 to a room? You can pm me if you like.

BTW, I had edited that part about technology b/c I got it wrong. They are #1 in terms of Computer tech. Sorry about that. :)

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