Are you insulted????

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, I do not want to insult anyone or step in a hornets nest here, but I have a serious question. Recently my hubby had surgery, and everyone at the hospital would ask"are you a nurse?" to which I would reply "No, I am a CNA". Most of the time it was accepted and the nurses, techs, etc were happy to let me do most of the care for my man, and were very appreciative. There were 2 or 3 nurses that asked me "why not continue my education and become a "real nurse"? I gave my reasons for not wanting to, in a mild tone, without judgement.

The reasons I listed are 1. I am very satisfied with my life. I was in nursing school when I gave birth to my first child and chose to be a stay at home mom to my 2 boys, so decided to not finish. 2. Nursing has changed considerably over the last 26 year, so I chose to return to school and go the CNA path and am quite satisfied. I have much respect and admire good nurses, as I do good teachers, but chose not to pursue either path.

The responses I got from these 2 or 3 nurses was off the charts over reaction. They were so insulted and rude. One even told me she did not believe me, that all CNAs and TECHs say that , but they are really just frustrated with their jobs. So my question is this: Are you insulted by this as a nurse? Does it bother you that some would choose not to continue on the education path and be "just a CNA"? Does it insult you as a nurse that I feel like your job is not the job I aspire to and I am happy where I am? I work 2-3 shifts/wk. and truly enjoy my low key, 3-11 position. What are your thoughts, please. Did I say something wrong????

Specializes in Mental Health, Medical Research, Periop.

This is not the least bit insulting. Im sorry you even wasted your precious time explaining yourself to those nurses, because it was none of their business. Whose to say what someone else should do with their lives? So crazy because those people didnt even know you. SMH! You just need to keep doing you, and forget those nurses, who you will probably never see again anyway- (be grateful for that). GOOD LUCK to you and all you do!

Specializes in Mental Health, Medical Research, Periop.
I know I am going to get flamed here but, just to be devils advocate here. how many nurses here would be ok if there husband told them I just want to be a CNA (making CNA wages) ? With no ambition to further their careers. From a male perspective this sound like the old women have choices men have responsibility theme. Or would you be ok if your own child choose CNA as a career?

I make more than my husband and he is in the military, and my childs decision is their own. My daughter wants to be an artist and most of them make less than a CNA because they cannot sell their work.

You say your husband was in the hospital, and his outcome was and it sounds as if his outcome was positive, great. But what if god forbid it would have gone the other way? Could you support you and your family on a CNA wages? Personally I think it is everyone’s responsibility to live up to their highest potential.

You didnt even consider the fact that he may have a great life insurance policy.

(IMO) Bottom line CNA is a great stepping stone if you have chosen health care as a career, but it is not a wise choice for a career itself.

Like you said, in your opinion, you are surely welcomed to it.:nurse:

Was just thinking as a registered nurse I am often asked why I dont study to be doctor. And I dont why people ask me that. I never!!!! want to be Dr. I like what I do. Just thought it was a similiar situation cos I have no desire to be dr

I agree with them. Why do all the grunt work of nursing for a fraction of the pay. LVN programs take as little a nine months to complete, RN as little a two years. At a community college they are dirt cheap tuition.

For what appears to be such a small obstacle, you could do what you have been for much better pay and still, according to you, enjoy it kust as much.

Even if you are not motivated by money, you have to retire someday, kids go to college etc. There is a lot you could do with "extra" money, even if you don't need it now.

It seems like you are avoiding nursing for some other reason, likely academic of financial and this "I happy wiping butts as a CNA" just doesn't sound genuine to most people.

Specializes in Acute Care Hosp, Nursing Home, Clinics.

Wrong. You are dead wrong. There is no justification to judge someone on your personal preferences. She just enjoys her work. It is that simple and God Bless her for it:up:

Thanks for the information medpro32, I never would have known. Just as a FYI, I do not "wipe butts". I work in Rehab and am very happy assisting people to return to their highest level of function. Sometimes that includes a butt wipe or two, but I am not above that. Also; as previously stated, my children are grown and on their own. We already put them through college. I do not think I should have to make my financial declarations on this site, but as stated previously, we are doing quite well, hubby is getting ready to retire, and yes,"extra money" is great, I have some. Academics are no problem. I already have a degree and worked in a different field for many years. I am considering returning to take some classes to learn a language though. I think I can handle it. The fact is, I wanted a part time job that was beneficial to others, gave me satisfaction, and was low key as I get ready to enter that wonderful "now lets just sit back and enjoy the rewards" part of my life. I am not looking for a career. I am sorry if you are not accepting of other's choices, but I just cannot live my life to satisfy any other person.

PS. Last night we had a Rehab pt. go sour fast. I was there to assist in any way I was needed, as my job title states. I am so glad I was not the one who had to make the major decisions and stay for 2 hours after shift to handle all the paper work. Made me realize how much I respect and love the great nurses I work with, and I do not envy their positions. They love their work and are great at it, just like me.

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.

OP--you said nothing wrong. I applaud you for being where you are and doing what's best for you & yours. I'd much rather have you as my CNA because you truly love your job, etc., than one who sees being a CNA as anything less than their best.

Well-How may Men fall in love with a woman they know at first sight they are in love? Many I KNOW-and Vise vera. All people no matter thier status or earnings can be together with the right person despite differences and inperfections. Being married can be half rent is cheaper than full rent if you are paying rent. In all situations after the honeymoon- if person ever takes away from your heart-they don't love you.

Specializes in LTC, OB/GYN, Primary Care.

I wish i was a CNA sometimes! When I see my aides leave work on time and without having to do mounds of paper work or be stressed about it when they get home. I see them actually having time to interact with the residents. I tell them all the time im jealous of their job! I get the "don't you want to be a real nurse" talk all the time from other that are not healthcare workers (I'm a LPN) I've even been asked "did you have to go to school for that?" before. It bothers me that LPN and CNAs don't get recognition for they do (which is A LOT) from others. People think of you aren't an RN your nothing and probably don't do much at work. I've a nice way.. those that ask. You said or did nothing wrong!

Specializes in LTC, OB/GYN, Primary Care.

I would also like to add that I love and appreciate those CNAs who have chosen being an aid as their career choice. These aides do way more to help the nurses and residents that "just wipe butts" they are my extra set or eyes and catch a lot of things I would have never had the chance to such as new skin issues or Mrs H is just "not acting like herself". There is a big difference between these aides and the ones who do their tasks and leave! Without these individuals even with the best nurses out there the residents still wouldnt receive the care they deserve. Around here CNAs make a decent salary that is considered the norm. Better than retail and better than foodservice thats for sure.

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