I have posted a few threads on the fact (sorry to bore you guys! lol) that US schools usually have higher grading scales than our Canadian nursing schools...
Usually whenever I state that my nursing school only requires 63% to pass nursing classes and 50% to pass electives, alot of the US nursing students reply that we must not know that much, they wouldn't trust an RN that only needed 63% to pass a class to care for them in a hospital etc, we shouldn't be nurses if they only require us to know 60% or so of nursing knowledge as a bare mininum.
Now I know that not every school in Canada has the same grading scale, but several large universities (including U of T) have similar passing grades for their nursing classes.
I totally respect USA students for their hard work (believe me when I say that if I had to have 80% or 85% in each nursing class in order to graduate, I would most likely fail nursing school! lol) Now its not like I strive to get 60's in nursing school (my GPA is 3.2 right now so I am not doing too bad :X) but it is a tad annoying when others make statements like that. I always respond politely to their replies, and state that its just the way canadian nursing schools seem to do it (at least the ones that I know of but I am sure others have had higher grading scales!)
But its a free country and to each her (or his!) own :p:specs:
Just wondering if anyone else had noticed this? I am NOT trying to start a flamewar between us and other nursing students. I am just curious about others responses!