APU ELM for Fall 2014

U.S.A. California


I am currently applying for Azusa Pacific Univsity's Entry Level Master's program for a start date of Fall 2014. The deadline is coming up quickly! If anyone else is applying now, feel free to add!

Hi Tina,

I am not a great example but I applied very late on 10/30 with a 11/1 deadline... do not do that. I heard back within 2 weeks and then scheduled an interview another 2 weeks from then. Since I'm not in the area, they first suggested Skype; maybe that's better than just the phone so they can see how excited you are and such. General questions like why you want a particular location, why Azusa. The writing sample really threw me off; it wasn't challenging but it was something I haven't given too much thought for and it took me a while to just narrow it down from all the possibilities and get to writing. I am naturally indecisive and a poor impromptu writer. I didn't feel like I wrote a great essay or anything. I was using a new computer whose OS I wasn't used to and somehow my Skype did not ring! Beware Windows 8 - I was in desktop mode and not in the exclusive Skype application? Anyway, I missed her call and then she called me on my phone as backup and then I skyped me again and all was well. In the interview, she clarified some things on my transcript (maybe it was hard to read?) and went over what else I needed to complete. Before saying goodbye, she told me that I was in good standing (I didn't think there was a point to ask). In any interview, remember your questions tell a lot about your interests/intentions/personality too. Think of good questions! Good luck!

I got into San Diego so maybe I will be seeing some of you! I would however prefer to stay in the Bay Area so if anyone is hoping for a spot, you'll be getting mine if I get in elsewhere. I won't find out until spring, sorry for the wait!


Thank you so much for your detailed advice and explanation! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to inform me in so much detail! THANK YOU!

So your interview was over Skype but you still did the writing prompt over chat/some kind of online document? Is this writing simply to assess how you write or does it depend on how you answer the prompt? Also, did you write it in the standard essay format and how long time limit did they give you?

If you don't mind me asking, may I please ask what your prompt question was?

And was your interview entirely consist of more of an actual interview where they ask you questions to get to know you better, or rather, did they just go over your application in detail? Or it was a 50/50 mixture of both? Most people I have heard from said that they only answered very few questions so I'm not sure if what exactly to expect from it.

And you also state to think of good questions, meaning the questions you ask back to the interviewer?

Overall, thank you thank you very much for your post, it was very informative! :)

@4ng3L and @dominicosmama -- Hi! I'm a newbie at using allnurses so hopefully you two get this... I was accepted for Fall 2014 at Monrovia too! :) I've read on earlier posts that a FB group might be in the making. Has that happened yet? So excited to connect with fellow classmates!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you...Sick kids :(.... I heard back in early December and I got a letter in the mail. If you do not get in this cohort there is always a chance they can offer you a spot for spring, I know of another person who did not make it this time but was offered a seat for the next cohort...

I am not sure if it has, but I would love to connect with you all before the craziness starts!!

Hi everyone! Congrats to you all!

I am applying soon to this same program but may I how exactly did the interview/academic evaluation go? Apparently it can be entirely over the phone so would it just a normal standard interview or did they more go over your application step by step to let you know exactly where you stand in terms of cohort admittance? I want to ask because I have no idea to what to expect for this interview/evaluation.

Also, about how early did you guys submit your application BEFORE the deadline to be able to get a interview/evaluation set up?

I'm so worried. Thank you so much for your advice, everyone!

@Tina N. I submitted my application the day before the deadline and got a call for an eval/interview a few weeks later. I live in the area so I went in person. I wrote a response to the writing prompt first, and then had the interview. It was actually pretty quick like maybe 10-15 minutes. She went over my transcript and let me know what I still need to take. The only real question she asked me is if this was what I really wanted to do. Otherwise she just said I had a really good chance for the fall, and told me to think about admission to another site for the summer if I wanted to get in earlier.

I am not sure if it has, but I would love to connect with you all before the craziness starts!!

I would too! I wanted to try to create a fb group for the fall monrovia cohort. :))

Hi Tina,

They emailed me a Word doc and got a 20 minute time limit to send it back. I'm sure it's both about how you write and what your answer is. I got three paragraphs and it wasn't my best work, but I tried to focus on content. I don't feel comfortable telling you the prompt question (although it's probably not a big deal and they use different ones all the time, and you could always find out from someone else) but I will tell you that it was an ice breaker question rather than a critical thinking one. Not something you could study for.

Interview was 50/50 and was a lot shorter than I expected. I think a third of the total time was me asking the interviewer questions. Good luck again!


Thank you so much for your detailed advice and explanation! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to inform me in so much detail! THANK YOU!

So your interview was over Skype but you still did the writing prompt over chat/some kind of online document? Is this writing simply to assess how you write or does it depend on how you answer the prompt? Also, did you write it in the standard essay format and how long time limit did they give you?

If you don't mind me asking, may I please ask what your prompt question was?

And was your interview entirely consist of more of an actual interview where they ask you questions to get to know you better, or rather, did they just go over your application in detail? Or it was a 50/50 mixture of both? Most people I have heard from said that they only answered very few questions so I'm not sure if what exactly to expect from it.

And you also state to think of good questions, meaning the questions you ask back to the interviewer?

Overall, thank you thank you very much for your post, it was very informative! :)

@ 4ng3L: Oh I see. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences! :) I appreciate your time for that!

@Jennana: Okay, so I guess not preparation can go into the writing part then. But thank you for sharing the details about the interview part.

Thank you both for sharing your advice and experiences. I was very worried that if granted an interview, it would be like 1.5 or 2 hours long or something like that. I feel a bit less worried and am hoping to be contacted for an interview soon too. Thank you again! :) Best of luck in all your future endeavors and I hope to follow in your path soon too. :)

For those of you who got in do you mind sharing your GPA in your pre-reqs as well as any additional info that may have helped in your acceptance (ie: volunteer work, CNA, etc).

I obviously did not get accepted and am going to retake a non-science pre-req to up my GPA but just wonder if I should be focusing on something else as well. Any information is much appreciated :)


I have been working as a psychiatric assistant in community mental health for 3 years. Prior to that I ran a group home for children & transitioned it into an adult home for people who were developmentally disabled & had a mental illness. My undergrad GPA at UO is horrible... barely a 3.1, but my prereq GPA is a 4.0 - while I have been working full time. I also volunteer for habitat for humanity and am a member of phi theta kappa honors society. My GRE score was above 310 (combined) though I do not remember the exact score. In my letter of intent I explained how I became interested in psychiatric nursing and over the phone interview I explained the passion for nursing that I had. Not sure if this info helps. I am still in shock that I've been accepted.

@drm2013 you should definitely reapply for the next cycle! I know someone that didn't get accepted the first time, but got accepted after improving her resume and personal statement.

My GPA was not so great -- 3.38 in Biological Sciences at UCR, so I wouldn't get discouraged if your GPA isn't amazing! I had 2.5 years of volunteer experience through the Clinical Care Extender internship at CVHP, with 1.5 years on the leadership team through the same internship. I also had a few years of leadership experience at a couple organizations at school including the Discover Nursing club. In terms of work experience, I worked in food service at a hospital for a bit, and I'm currently working as a scribe in an ER. I just graduated from college this past spring, so I don't have that much hospital work experience right now. I think my LORs probably contributed a great amount to my application because I knew my recommenders really well. I got one from an RN and two from professors. I spent about 1 month on my personal statement, which I wouldn't say was perfect, but I did elaborate on the little hospital experience I had. I think it really helps to know exactly why you want to be a nurse, and what you would like to do with your degree in the future.

I hope this helps!

I was a bio major and went into biotech doing lab stuff while working at Nordstrom for customer service. Then went to Google for recruiting/HR, and then continued recruiting at a startup. Prereqs 3.9 (undergrad 3.4), half of which were post-bac and I went to school full time for without working. One class still in progress. At the time of application, I intended to become a CNA and work until school starts. I'm taking those CNA classes now. Various volunteering at a hospital, clinic, humane society, rebuilding Katrina homes and feeding the homeless over the years, but not all at the same time. In my statement I emphasized what I learned and wanted to learn while volunteering in the ER.

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