I am a new Practical nursing instructor and have a dilemma. I recently reassigned a student from Amb Surg Unit observation day to the OR for observation because the student's son was having an Amb Surg procedure. I felt that this would distance him from his child because the Amb Surg unit is very small.The student did not observe his son's OR or come in contact with his chid during the clinical time. He also notified the OR staff on his arrival at 0650 that his child would be in the one of the OR rooms during his clinical time-scheduled for 0745. Several of the OR nurses came to update the student after the child's surgery and not one voiced their concern he was observing in one of the 5 or 6 rooms. I believe the surgeon saw the student leaving the OR dept to go to lunch and complained.
During lunch, the student was asked to leave the OR observation experience. My immediate supervisor was notified by the hospital's education liason and subsequently the student and I are both facing discipline. The hospital and my supervisor are saying the student should not have been allowed in either of the areas on his son's OR day.
There is nothing in the orientation packet from the hospital or in the Student handbook that addresses this issue. The discilpline is based on the student "using his student status at an advantage to himself". I feel that is inappropriate to disclipline a student that discussed and followed direction from his master instructor.
Also, I am not 100% convinced that I acted inappropriately.
Comments please.