2024 Applications to University of British Columbia (UBC) Nurse Practitioner Masters Program

World Canada CA Programs


Hey there! Starting a forum for aspiring Nurse Practitioners applying to the 2024 Master's programs in BC and Canada. Share your work backgrounds, certifications, stay in the loop on acceptances, pose questions, and join the celebration of success stories from those who get in!

RN2412 said:

personal email!

Has ubc shared at all how many people on the waitlist?

IslanderEllie said:

@WJJ I found both the midterm and final very fair! You're allowed a cheat sheet with formulas/notes for both the exams. 

Sorry to go a bit off topic haha @IslanderEllie just wondering re: the final exam if you recall what reference information is provided for the questions, for example cutoff scores for t tests or F ratios etc. I tried asking the tutor who gave a pretty useless answer ("no reference tables are provided") and no one responds to the forum questions 😖 obviously cramming lots onto my cheat sheets but there's soooo many reference tables!

Specializes in ICU, ER.

Anybody hear back from the UNBC waitlist?

Specializes in Critical Care.
Sunshine8 said:

Has ubc shared at all how many people on the waitlist?

no sorry I have no idea

Hi Everyone, 

I am just wondering if anyone knows if one can work during the program for UVIC/UBC?

I somehow remembered seeing somewhere that we cannot? But I can't recall where I saw that..

Any insight would be much appreciated!! 

antikimchi1 said:

Hi Everyone, 

I am just wondering if anyone knows if one can work during the program for UVIC/UBC?

I somehow remembered seeing somewhere that we cannot? But I can't recall where I saw that..

Any insight would be much appreciated!! 

Hey! I haven't heard that we cannot work as nurses during the program. But I will say... I've read some online forums indicating that some nurses were able to work about 20 hours/week. They said it was difficult to maintain a work/life balance but definitely possible!  

A few weeks ago I was told I'm 4th on UVIC waitlist. Has anyone seen any movement?

Specializes in Primary Care and Remote.
northernnurse23 said:

A few weeks ago I was told I'm 4th on UVIC waitlist. Has anyone seen any movement?

I declined my UVic spot and my application was officially changed to canceled on April 5, in case that's helpful! 

RE: Uvic I was told weeks ago I'm number 2 on WL and haven't heard anything since. I actually bit the bullet and emailed again yesterday to see if there was any movement. Will report back!

For those of you on UVIC waitlist, they said they will start working on the waitlisted applicants at the end of April. Hopefully this helps!

Specializes in ICU, ER.

Currently #1 on UNBC waitlist hopefully there is movement...at this point hoping for a miracle LOL 

Specializes in ER/EMS.
antikimchi1 said:

Hi Everyone, 

I am just wondering if anyone knows if one can work during the program for UVIC/UBC?

I somehow remembered seeing somewhere that we cannot? But I can't recall where I saw that..

Any insight would be much appreciated!! 

During the UBC info session they said it may be difficult but it can be done as they understand people may need to work to pay rent/bills etc.  But once practicums start it may be a bit harder. 

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