Published Oct 10, 2007
44 Posts
I do not know if this applies to any of you that have applied to CRNA school, but I thought that I might ask people on this thread thier opinion on having to send a photogragh on applications.
I have just sent in my application to 3 master degree programs and 2 of them asked me to send a passport size photogragh on the application. For some reason, that didn't sit well with me. It made me feel like ....maybe I am being weeded out, or added in based on what I looked like or possibly my race or gender. Now I would like to believe that we are all being looked at for how well we have done in school, experience, MCAT or GRE scores and etc., etc. So, why the pic? Did any of you that applied to CRNA school have to send a photo with your application and what do you think of that? I dont know... maybe it is to know what you look like, so when the interview you, they know who you are......but that seems like a far strech......:uhoh21:
157 Posts
I didn't have to send in photos with my applications. I can understand that it raises red flags with applcants. However, I suspect it is for the purposes of being able to place a name with a face after the interviews are over, and memories get a bit fuzzy about who was who.
47 Posts
I have not had to send photos in with applications, but I have had my picture taken while at the interview... I suppose it is because it is easier for some people to remember faces than names.
1,714 Posts
I remember having to get some of those taken to send with my non-nursing undergrad applications several years ago. Not every school, but I think I had to send a few.
22 Posts
I've applied to 2 schools, one wanted a picture the other didn't. I would hope it's to put a face with the name and be able to recognize you at the interview and later when they are making decisions.
Irish 007
10 Posts
I agree, that would not sit well with me either. I applied to two schools and received and application for a third school, none of the schools required a picture. I have not heard of that practice. Actually, I would think it might open the school up for a legal issue if an applicant was not interviewed and had great scores, grades and experience. Just a thought!!
280 Posts
I think that it may be used for after the interview and they have a stack of applicants it may help them connect the interview with a face opposed to just notes that were written down.
61 Posts
Typical of our litigous society...always trying to find a legal solution when things don't go their way. There are no gaurentees to admission for regardless of scores, gre, experience etc., as any school can deny admission for just about any reason. Of course schools are aware of all legal implications and have high powered and expensive law firms on retainer to take care of such matters. It would be almost impossible to win a suit of this nature against a school/university and would be major costly. Schools that ask for a picture do so to place a name and face together...I'm sure they are on the up and up as those university lawyers would only condone what they can support.