Applicants to Portland/Salem Area Nursing Schools 2014

U.S.A. Oregon


I know that it's early, but I really wanted to get a jump on this. I have read the past two years' threads from start to finish and have seen the amazing support given by everyone involved. Considering how competitive it is for nursing school admission, it is extremely informative and heart-warming. I will be applying to all the schools in the Portland/Salem area to which I will qualify. This next year is going to be rough, but ever since I started on this journey I have loved every moment.

A little about me:

  • I am 33, married, no kids.
  • I live in Salem and have taken the bulk of my prerequisites at Chemeketa.
  • I have been working as a Dental Assistant for 2 years and feel that it is supremely unfair that many of the OCNE schools do not count dental assisting towards their "direct patient care" discretionary points. (I went to school for a year to become a dental assistant. I have dealt with medical emergencies, bodily fluids and have had my fingers in mouths on a daily basis! I'm grumbling, I know.)
  • I have a 4.0 GPA (so far) for all of the OCNE prerequisites (My single B in one of three Chemistry classes will haunt me when I apply to Linfield)
  • I am still one term away from finishing my prerequisites for the majority of the schools to which I plan on applying
  • I don't really think that I will be lucky enough to be accepted to any of the Portland-area community colleges due to my lack of necessary discretionary points (if any of you CURRENT students have found otherwise, I would be very interested to find out what you know!)
  • I will be applying anyway, because I know that I should at least make it onto a waiting list or two and as I have seen in previous threads - they do go through their waiting lists!
  • I sincerely hope that all my hard work will pay off and that I will be accepted SOMEWHERE

Again, I know this is early, but I look forward to seeing the responses from everyone!

Don't feel discouraged! A 4.0 in prereqs and 52 points is NOT bad. If you don't get accepted this year, for whatever reason it may be, try again! Perfectly great candidates may be turned away because of the sheer capacity of the programs. Focus on gaining that CNA or volunteer in a healthcare setting. You may find this link helpful, to learn about the capacity of programs and applicant data from 2008/2009 and 2010-2011 application cycles:

And here's year two of that study... the one above is only for the 2008/2009 year

To summarize- do you think it is even remotely possible to get in ANYWHERE with 52 OCNE points? I have been working on prereqs for 2 years and I am really discouraged that I am on the lower tier of applicants because I do not have my CNA license. I want this so badly, that I know I will keep trucking through this. I am just really disappointed. I read last night that there seems to be a cut off of 58 points or so for PCC's program.

I'm wishing for a miracle, I think.

Lol I wish I had 52! I have 50 at Clackamas. That's basically my 4.0 and having all classes complete. I don't get any discretionary points at all. For me, Clackamas is a long shot. From what I understand, Clackamas had at least 1 applicant get in with only 51 initial points (prior to the interview) last year. So, I think you should have a chance! I plan on getting my CNA next term as a fallback or as a means of employment while in my nursing program.

You guys are so awesome. That actually cheered me up a little bit. :) I'm not going to give up regardless. I was asking around in micro today and other people are also in the same boat.

I forget to give myself a break. I know we ALL worked SO hard to get to this application phase in the first place. To be honest, its a miracle for me. Life has tossed some difficult things at me in the last couple of years.

Thanks guys. I will keep in touch.

I'm applying this year, as well. Super stressful, but fingers crossed! I'm sort of hoping for Linfield, as I doubt that I will make the points cut off for MHCC or PCC....3.6 GPA, all prereqs complete, prior degree (Associate), 6,000+ hours as a nationally certified CST at a level III trauma center, volunteer medical mission last year. Unfortunately, I can only claim 2 healthcare points at PCC, and only 4 at MHCC. That C in math 95 is going to be my downfall...Arg! How are you guys dealing with a not-so-perfect GPA?

Good luck Penny! You sound like an awesome candidate for anywhere. I know how you feel. Oh how the past comes back- I am in a bit of a pickle myself that I am trying to work out.

Meeting with my advisor on Friday so hopefully things get better than they are today. I might have to postpone nursing school for another year for merely a writing 121 class (i have already gotten an A in 122)...


Oh missjordie that is the WORST! To be so close, just to have it snatched away. Now, I believe that Linfield has a spring cohort that may have a later application date. You'd still have to wait a few months to start, but it is DEFINITELY less than a whole year.

I'll let you guys know. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. I will be okay though. I found this today and it kind of cheered me up

On my way to health admissions. Please pray for me.

No dice with admissions. I have to forfeit a few points. Oh well. I'm applying anyways, and will hope hard. It is out of my control at this point, as far as my points go. Holding on and hoping for an essay invite. I'm applying to OHSU as well.

Best of luck, missjordie!

HHHOOOOOLLLYYYY SNOW! Just had to throw that out there.

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