Published May 6, 2009
348 Posts
Has anyone, specifically a community college student, had to go through the process of appealing a financial aid denial? I was denied all aid (I just need loans) for MCC because I have too many credits (I have a Bachelors) and I have to appeal it decision because I need at least 1000 a year to help with tuition. I know that I have to fill out an appeal but apparently it does not guarantee me anything so I am just wondering if anyone has had to do this and if you had any luck. I was so excited to get in but now I am not sure it is financially an option for me (I already have private loans I am paying on for my first degree so those are not an option anymore, as I cannot defer the ones I already have)
81 Posts
hi, i have not heard of ur situation, but i have known people to get denied financial aid & appeal it. they usually ended up getting it. i am sure after going through a ton of hoops they will probably give u some of the money @ least. why not go for an Accelerated BSN, the loans r available?
hi, i have not heard of ur situation, but i have known people to get denied financial aid & appeal it. they usually ended up getting it. i am sure after going through a ton of hoops they will probably give u some of the money @ least. why not go for an accelerated bsn, the loans r available?
i already have a lot of student loan debt from my first degree so i rather not get in the hole much further and an Accelerated BSN would cost me a lot more than an adn. i checked into wsu ans ou for accelerated but i just can't not work for 16 months and take out all those loans. i am currently paying on loans that i cannot defer any longer and i do not have anyone to support me while in school. i rather get another bachelors but that can wait. i hope i can get approved, i just hate jumping through hoops!
429 Posts
I was in the same situation as you. I have a previous bachelors and went back to get my ADN. I was denied financial aid at first because they said I was over the maximum amount of credits allowed. I appealed and had to meet with a academic advisor so they could write out my academic plan and plot out how many credits I needed to complete the ADN and how long it would take. I was then awarded financial aid based on that timeline and number of credits.
Thank you so much that is good to hear! The letter said pretty much the same, that I have to figure out my program plan and get an advisor to sign off on it and then MAYBE I will get aid.
248 Posts
I had the same problem. I started the nursing program at MCC in August 2007, and I hit the 90 credit hr max just as the January 08 semester was starting. I went throught the appeals process and was approved for that semester, but I had to go through the appeals process again when the 2008-2009 school year was starting...I was approved for those semesters too. MCC is pretty good about working with you when you are so close to being done with your program. The only restriction is that the financial aid can ONLY be used for classes that are required for the nursing program, so you can't slip in a extra class towards BSN pre-reqs that will put you at a full-time 12+ credit hour status.
It can be aggrivating wading through the red-tape but it's worth it...I graduate in 6 days!:yeah:Hope you find this helpful!
I had the same problem. I started the nursing program at MCC in August 2007, and I hit the 90 credit hr max just as the January 08 semester was starting. I went throught the appeals process and was approved for that semester, but I had to go through the appeals process again when the 2008-2009 school year was starting...I was approved for those semesters too. MCC is pretty good about working with you when you are so close to being done with your program. The only restriction is that the financial aid can ONLY be used for classes that are required for the nursing program, so you can't slip in a extra class towards BSN pre-reqs that will put you at a full-time 12+ credit hour status. It can be aggrivating wading through the red-tape but it's worth it...I graduate in 6 days!:yeah:Hope you find this helpful!
THANK YOU! I only have nursing classes left, and the required humanities credit, so I hope I can get this resolved! Congrats on graduating!
442 Posts
I am doing this too. I just got a letter in the mail from MCC saying that my FA was denied, so I have to file the appeal. The letter said I only had until June 1st!
Really? Mine said I can't file an appeal until June 1st...
That was what I read on the site, but it definitely says that I have to do it by June 1st. I am going there tomorrow (I have a final anyhow) to ask about it. I hope I don't have to do it all right now! Although, I would like to get it out of the way!
86 Posts
I am on financial aid probation, too. I dropped 3 classes over 2 yrs...which is something that I shouldn't have done. I just appealed the decision. I'm starting the RN program at OCC in the fall so I hope this issue gets resolved. Does anyone know how long the appeal process takes??
27 Posts
I am in the same situation, as I already have a BA. I hope the appeal process does not take too long because I want to start summer quarter but do not have the cash.