Published Nov 2, 2007
1 Post
Hi all..just wondering how the BSN program is through National University in San Diego CA?? Do you feel well prepared? Thanks for any information.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Good luck. Moving to California nursing forum, since you are specifically addressing a region. :)
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
I was asking myself the same question so I"m glad you posted. :) I wonder what the reputation is of the school and what quality education the students receive. I will graduate LVN in Jan so was looking into their LVN -BSN program.
2 Posts
hello, I am a current student in National University's BSN program in San Diego. I have finished all my "core" classes and clinicals and am now working on the rest of my BSN classes. All of my clinicals were great and I never got the impression that our students did not have a good reputation. I also ran into a number of current students during clinicals that went to National. The thing about national is that it is very accelerated. You are expected to do alot of studying on your own because we go through classes in 1 or 2 months when other schools do them in a semester. Since I am doing the BSN classes now, I am online. With my learning style, I would definately rather be in actual class. You have to be very self-disciplined and learn to organize your time. It is easy to become distracted if you are sitting at home when you should be online doing work. On the other hand, it is great for those working. But overall I do think it is a good program and if you are willing to put the time, effort and MONEY! into it then you will have your degree in 22 months!!
Thanks for the info SDRNstudent. I have some more questions. Where do you have your clinicals? How do you like your instructors? How many students were in the classroom when you were taking classes there on campus? How is the campus? nice? :)
No problem! I had alot of questions before I started the program also. I had clinicals all over SD... Kaiser, Scripps Mercy, Balboa Navy Medical, Sharp Memorial, Sharp Mesa Vista. There are around 40-50 or so people in a cohort...but only up to 10 per clinical group. So you all go to lecture together but are in different clinical groups each class. So some of my classmates went to other hospitals in SD like Sharp grossmont, scripps memorial la jolla, scripps green, VA. To be honest, I had some AMAZING instructors and some really bad ones (my opinion). I think its hit and miss sometimes. In clinical you learn SO much from the nurses on the floor...more than the clinical instructors. As far as lecture professors, the same goes for that...hit and miss. Lecture is 5 hours long once a week so there is A TON of material to go through each time...because we spend one night on a subject that other schools would spend at aleast a week on. campus is nice,but its not so much a campus but a large building. but the rooms and computer labs, library are nice. you are only at the campus once, maybe twice, a week and the other two days you are at clinical. i noticed you are an acute care CNA, do you work at one of the hospitals in SD? (if you don't mind me asking?) Let me know if you have more questions!
Yes I work at Promise Hospital which is a long-term acute care. I am looking to get another job somewhere so I can learn more in a different environment.
Can you answer another question? Where are the classes held? I just went to National University yesterday and the rep didn't seem to know a whole lot about the nursing program. She said that actual classes were only in Rancho Bernardo! That is pretty far for me to drive! I wouldn't mind classes here and there but wouldn't want all in RB especially as the gas prices rise! I thought that nursing classes would be held in Mission Valley.
44 Posts
Hello, saw your posting ? on NU here, well I was told that only Rancho B. hold the nursing classes. If you don't like your advisor you can always change or ask someone else. My gal is super informative! her name is Natori Moore, at the Carlsbad Location. :) She will totally take time to answer any questions and if she doesn't know she will find out- like with my questions she said she spoke to one of the head personals in the Nursing Dept. and the criteria they go through and etc.
25 Posts
Hi SDRNstudent,
I'm also in Nationals nursing program right now and I finish my bsn classes november 2009. I wanted to know about the NCLEX. I know you have the option to take the NCLEX after you completed the clinical portion, but i've decided to wait. My degree won't be conferred until January 2010. Is it possible to take the NCLEX before my conferral date. How/when are you applying for the NCLEX? Thanks for your help.