Anyone ever felt this way starting out ..

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I was estatic when I found out that I would be starting nursing school in the fall. I've dreamed about it for as long as I can remember. Now that I am about to embark on this new journey I am terrified. I'm not scared of the work as I have worked as a nursing assistant before and I work in a hospital intensive care unit. I am so scared that I am not going to make it through school. It has taken me what seems an eternity to get to this point. I know that I am going to work hard and give it my everything. I'm ready to leave my social life behind as I still have to work as well. I have prepared lots of people to get used to not seeing me as much. What I am really scared of is that I'm not smart enough ..I was always better with hands on things, with books I get by but always worked extra hard. I'm a visual learner as well ..I know nursing is a lot of critical thinking and I'm good at it given the real life situation but not on tests or in school...I just keep hearing such negative things about school and everyone failing out. I'm 26 I need to make it this time around and I'm terrified of failure! I guess what I really need to do is vent and see if anyone has any advice for a new student like me that feels this way :uhoh21: I appreciate whoever takes the time to read this or can offer any advice !!

Congratulations to everyone! Nursing School is definitely tough, but with hard work and dedication you will be able to definitely succeed. I'm currently in my last year of the program, and this semester will be the hardest, so I've heard.

But in regards to failing nursing school, my suggestion to everyone to prevent that is to use study groups. I was never a person to study in groups, but it has helped me tremendously in the program. Not only that, be prepared for you lectures. I'm not telling you to read over the thousands of pages assigned, but rather have an idea of what it will be about so that you're not completely lost. Also, don't be surprised if you have to use a lot of outside resources in order to grasp a concept. As I was reading before, YouTube is great way to refresh concepts in A&P that you have forgotten.

Overall, don't freak out. I was in the same boat you guys were, but I'm going strong. You will find that your nursing graduating class is very support and kind; help each other out in any way you can. And if you have questions or run into any trouble posting on allnurses will help you out as well.

Everyone should be excited! You all are entering into a profession that you will find very rewarding and fulfilling. Be proud and good luck to everyone!

How many hours do you have to work? Im going to be honest and let ya know that work was what dropped my fellow students like flies. Our program said to work 8 hrs a week at the most and MANY people did not follow that warning and were out. We have a tough program though. What I did to make it was quit life as I knew it. Everything was on hold and I threw myself into my books. People thought I was crazy for how much I studied. When there was something fun to do the night before a test I passed on doing it. Go into the semester hard. Most who failed out started weak and were struggling to bring their grades to passing for the rest of the semester. And I do agree With Mrs Priss. Turn to God. Prayer for a clear mind, understanding of my topics, and the will to make it through helped me very much. Good luck and enjoy the ride. its not so bad when ya look back.

I dropped my fulltime job and went to part time.

My schedule is:

Mon- class and lab 5-10:30pm

Tues- class and lab 5-8:30pm

Wed- clinical 3-11pm

Then i will work 2 12 hour shifts either thursday and friday or sat and sun rotating weeks

I also have English 102 but its an online class and this is my last coreq. I knocked out all of the others plus some before the program.

That leaves me with 2 days off a week. I'm a health unit coordinator so realistically I can study on my downtime. I hope that I am able to make this work because I'm not one of the lucky ones that can afford to take off for two years.

Thank you to everyone who responded to this and for all of the advice! After reading some of the advice it seems like I am on top of everything that I should be. I have already formed a study group and I do feel prepared. Sometimes I just get nervous and was having one of those breakdowns as I wrote this thread. I am glad I did though because this website is amazing and I'm so thankful for everyone that takes the time to respond and help others. Its great to be able to talk to people that are going through the same thing as me because noone in my family can relate to it. I will be the first nurse in my family. :D

I'm finally starting nursing school in the fall as well. I've heard all the horror stories and I'm apprehensive but looking forward to it. There is a huge weight on my shoulders to succeed as I'm turning 30 this year and the future of my family really depends on me advancing in my career. While I'm enjoying my summer off from classes, I'm just about ready to jump back into student life. I plan to take it one day at a time and give it my best effort.

The way I see it, if I wasn't smart I wouldn't have been accepted into the program in the first place. These programs are competitive! It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it!

Good luck everyone!

I was really scared of failing as well. But it just made me try harder. I was 27 when I started nursing school, had two kids, and had to quit my job and live off of loans going through school, so it was a big risk I was taking if I failed. So I studied harder than a lot of people in my class. I always read ahead, studied the material before lecture, took notes from class, notes from the book, and used lots of other resources to understand the material. Staying ahead helped a lot. Also, before I started the nursing program I got a book called "Test Success for the Beginning Nursing Student" and read through the tips on how to take NCLEX style tests. I think that helped me a lot too. I'm sure you will do fine. It's hard I won't lie, and I'd like to tell you not to stress out too much, but that's almost impossible! But DO try to take some mental breaks here and there. While it's important to study a whole lot, your brain will be useless if you don't rest sometimes too. Good luck and Congrats!

BTW, I went from being a so so student, to graduating the nursing program with honors, don't underestimate yourself!

i get nervous every other day! all set for 8-20 to start,1st day of class. i only have 7 credit hours this semester.9 next and 10 the last 2 semesters,so i am considered part time. took all my co-reqs before applying so i would not have a full load.

my schedule will go like this: tue-9-11 lecture

wed 3-9 clinical

fri- 9-11 lecture, 11-1 lab

i work part time as an LPN-fri-sat 2-10 and tues 2-6....20 hrs the days i work are the days i have school as well...i made my schedule like this so i can have some days off....well...they wont be days off from studying i am sure.

I am in the same boat as you. I start in late August and I am scared to death. I feel the same as you, I am not afraid to work hard. But, I am scared to death that I will not be able to cut it and fail school. I don't consider myself a book smart person. I have to learn visually. I also struggle with staying focused when I am reading a text book or listening to a lecture. I am one who can be listening or reading and all the sudden random thoughts pop into my brain and I get distracted. I am scared I will repeat that same behavior and fail. But, I am in this to win it no matter what. I feel like I have fought hard to get this far. I was on the waiting list to get accepted for 2 years. I also have no choice but to work. I have to quit my full time job and find something part time to. I also just lost my financial aid one month before nursing school. So, I have all these stressors totally wigging me out. I am fighting to get my financial aid back but in the mean time I am looking for part time work that may possibly pay my tuition. One thing I have on my side I think is my faith. I have a strong faith in God. I have known from the start this is what is right for me. Therefore I know it is God's will that I make it through this. Thank you for your post. It helps me feel like we all have support our their from our fellow nursing students.

I was 36, a high school drop out when I was 16 and a hands on learner when I quit my job to pursue my dream of becoming a registered nurse. I am here to tell you that being scared is normal, I would be more afraid if you weren't! Nursing school was the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life....but I graduated last week. Study groups with my peers and practice books helped me get through. You can do this!!

I'm starting in the fall and am 25. I'm in the same boat. I am also super stressed out and worried about if I can handle it. On top of that I'm also depressed because this is a second career, there are no jobs for my first one (which I have two degrees and tens of thousands in student loans), and in order to do it financial, I'm moving back in with my parents. Beginning nursing school is such a mess of emotions for me as well! I'm nervous, scared, excited, happy, depressed, upset, disappointed in myself for having to live with my parents again. But I keep taking one day and one task at a time. I will do it and figure out how to succeed and become a fantastic nurse. And so will you!!

One thing that had me a little scared is we had orientation this week. They had some nursing students from our schools nursing student association come speak. Just looking at them terrified me. LOL! To quote my grandmother "they look like they've been pulled through a knot hole backwards" LOL! MEANING, they looked tired, haggard, stressed, and not happy. They all agreed this was the hardest thing they have ever done. They all agreed they had no life and all they did outside of school was study. One of the ladies I had a class with when I first started schoool. She was a second year nursing student and will graduate after next semester. I remember how she acted and looked before nursing school and I can tell you she behaved like a completely different person. BUT, even though they did not look happy she stressed to us they all were very happy, they just worked so hard and are tired but they are very glad they did this.

I am in the same boat at 26. I try to explain it to people and they don't get it. I don't think 26 is "old" or "too late", but I feel like I'm at the point where something has to give. I'm tired of doing jobs that don't interest me. I want to do something Im interested in. This has to work.

My plan is just to take it one day at a time. I've always felt this pressure to get all A's. I'm going to try my best, but realize I may get a B or C and that's fine too. I don't have to be the smartest. I don't have to learn things the fastest. I may have to put more time in than other people. But I really feel like I "got this". I can't say I'll have a 4.0, when I graduate next year, but I know I'll graduate. Though I do admit sometimes its scary to hear the stories of people who fail. Especially people who seemed to really try. Nursing school is hard, but I'm going to do it. Just keep telling yourself its possible. Stop listening to the negative voices in your head. I literally sometimes will just picture myself in class to calm down the thoughts. LOL. I will even say things like "When I graduate next year and get a nursing job".

Sounds crazy, but speak you becoming a nurse into existence!

Good luck and think positive!!!!

I know how you feel! I'm just starting out with my Pre Reqs this Fall and I'm sooo nervous! It's been on my heart and mind for so long and I really hope it works out.

You (we) can do it! We can't let doubt get in our way!

You've come such a long way! I'm sure you can make it through! Good luck!

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