Reality is beginning to sink in and I'm getting nervous. I became an RN four years ago and have put off getting a BSN since. Actually in 2008 I enrolled in an RN to BSN program at a local University and took 2 classes. Since then I've had a baby and life was kind of a roller coaster so I hadn't gone back. I am now enrolled in a different school and am trying to figure out my time line to obtaining my MSN as an FNP. At this point, going full time for the entire graduate program isn't an option, as I have a family and work full-time. I hope to finish my BSN by December 2011, and am trying to determine whether I have the stamina to push it up to September 2011. The soonest that I figure that I will complete my FNP program would be December 2014. Talk about pushing it!!!! At that point, I may not even be permitted to test because of the 2015 deadline, and I'll find myself with another 2 years ahead of me for the DNP before I can begin working as an NP.
Now I'm struggling with how I'm going to do this!!! I may have to suck it up and go full-time, UGH!!! Anyone else feel the time crunch?