Published Aug 19, 2005
29 Posts
I'm a new LNA (today!), seeking a second career (plus being mother of college kids, and wife, and husband's office manager for our business) as eventually an RN. I am finishing gen-ed requirements in Berlin while waiting to hear about acceptance for the Fall 2006 nursing class. Anyone else up here on the Canadian border near Colebrook/Pittsburg?
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Hi,I'm a new LNA (today!), seeking a second career (plus being mother of college kids, and wife, and husband's office manager for our business) as eventually an RN. I am finishing gen-ed requirements in Berlin while waiting to hear about acceptance for the Fall 2006 nursing class. Anyone else up here on the Canadian border near Colebrook/Pittsburg?
:balloons: Hello and Welcome :balloons:
Hi Siri,
Are you from Coos?
74 Posts
I am from Berlin, living in Bartlett- Work at Luxury Mountain Getaways in Jackson....
I was thinking of taking a nursing program... and noticed that NHCTC-Berlin's program was not accredited- which would be a reason for me to travel to Concord, where I have already obtained my AS in Travel and Tourism.
I am scared of the courses I would have to take, and I think in order to even be considered for entry- I have to take chemistry, because I think it is required and I have never taken it before, EVER.....
What do you mean about an unaccredited nursing program at Berlin NHCTC? Where did you hear that? Their information says that the school is fully accredited. Please let me know!
I am from Berlin, living in Bartlett- Work at Luxury Mountain Getaways in Jackson....I was thinking of taking a nursing program... and noticed that NHCTC-Berlin's program was not accredited- which would be a reason for me to travel to Concord, where I have already obtained my AS in Travel and Tourism.I am scared of the courses I would have to take, and I think in order to even be considered for entry- I have to take chemistry, because I think it is required and I have never taken it before, EVER.....
What do you mean about an unaccredited nursing program at Berlin NHCTC? Where did you hear that? Their information says that the school is fully accredited. Please let me know!Thanks!
When I was doing reserach online for nursing programs, it said NHCTC's nursing program was not accredited.. If I were you I would make sure it is!
If it is, then I would consider going there since, well, I don't want to drive 2 hrs to Concord all over again!!!!
114 Posts
i live in berlin, am a senior at NHCTC and loving it. i work as an LPN at AVH in berlin on the med-surg unit and look forward to graduating in the spring. i wouls like to clear one thing up for you. berlin NHCTC is most certainly an accreditted school. i am the student rep on the advisory comittee and met once a year with faculty and students from programs all over the state. not only is berlin an accreditted school but it also is one of the school's in nh with the highest pass rate for state boards.(this is including schools that offer a bachalor's program) the faculty there are wonderful. i wouldn't go anywhere else. their program is also linked with UNH and if you want to earn a BSN a t some point you can bridge it at UNH (or other schools) and earn it with another 2 years of school. i am a mother of two young children and would like to eventually do an RN to MSN bridge. i have looked into new englands top schools and they will all accept my associates degree.
Thanks for your input! I don't know where the other person got that info about Berlin not being accredited. I've never seen that anywhere. And I last week got my acceptance letter for Fall 2006. I'm psyched! And I appreciate your input about how much you like the program and what a good education you're getting. It's always hard knowing if you can get the variety of training that you could find in a more populated area with more clinical settings available. BTW, I work at the county home in West Stewartstown. So what do you do in Nursing I in the very first course in the fall? Good luck with your last semester of studies! Also, how hard did you think the LPN exam was?
congrats!!!!!!!!!!! i look forward to meeting you next fall. you will be most likely in the lancaster group for clinical which means you do a rotation at AVH in the fall after you do your nursing home rotation. i will be one of the RN's you encounter. i promise you everything you need to know to pass your boards you will learn. i don't know of one person in my class thta did not pass their first try. RN boards are much more difficult and some people have to retake them. take really good notes and you will be fine. the freshman (and senior) instructors are great. i have to ask, did you take A&P with ribner? she seems so hard when you are in her clas, but you will be greatful in the long run. feel free to email me anytime and remember my email next year for those times that you think you aren't gonna make it (we all feel like that sometime). enjoy and get all you can get from the program.
and for your other question. nursing 1 is all about the legal and ethical issues and basics such as hand washing, bed making etc. you will be able to test out of some of the labs. this is also when you begin pharmacology. nursing 2 gets into the real nursing: assessment, pre and post op care. nursing 3 is a nightmare, but you will survive. its all about maternity and pediatrics. nursing 4 is your basic cardiac and respiratory along with things like cancer and death and dying.
oh and one more question. where did you get your LNA? did you do it at the tech?
Oh, no! I just posted a long reply but I don't see it there!