Anyone attended previous Nurse anesthesia school and withdrawn

Nursing Students SRNA



I recently made a difficult decision to withdraw from my anesthesia school because it just was not the right fit for me, I felt like I would be doing myself and my future patients a deservice if I continued. The environment just was not conducive to learning, without going into details.

My gpa is great and I left in good standing. I was wondering if any one has made this decision and reapplied to a different school and if so, what was the outcome.


I have had the same experience at Barry University. Was just dismissed and am filing grievance. Was definately victim of hazing and treated unfairly. Understood your post perfectly and is exactly what I have experienced. Am lookin for others!! Am a female over 40!! Can you please contact me at my email --see profile

Specializes in ICU.

Hey Mandy 11,

I was just curious where you were doing your clinicals at for Barry?

Broward General in Fort Lauderdale. I have filed grievance with them. Would love to hear from anybody with similar experiences.

Can you give me any more info on this hazing stuff?

My grades were great but for some reason "singled out" i clinicals. Passed thru a probationary period and two weeks later was being asked to withdraw. To say that the learning enviroment at the clinicals site was not nurturing is putting it mildly. I was subject of defemation and gossip among other things. I withdrew but then rescinded under the advice of a lawyer so that I could file grievance because i truly believe that my clinical performance was not substandard.

The whole experience has been beyond horrible. I invested thousands and much hard work and was half way thru. Do you mind telling me how where you went to school and how old you are? There seems to be a pattern among older students.

Broward General in Fort Lauderdale. I have filed grievance with them. Would love to hear from anybody with similar experiences.

Hi, this is my first reply. (Sorry for any errors; but let me know if you get this.)

Ive been dismissed with 2 months left. Some of it my fault. Ive been a nurse for 20+ years. Dont really know what to do now... really depressed. Will any school give me a chance... is this the end of anesthesia, and my

academic life anywhere.


OMG, with only 2 months to go! I was almost half way through. I know I have been devastated, it has been the greatest loss of my professinal life and I am financially ruined. You must be devastated too!

It seems that older nurses with more experience have a rougher time, are even targeted. This was stated in another blog on this link. What part of the country are you in? I have the same questions as you, but don't have the energy or resources right now to try another school. Maybe in the future.

PLease contact me if you can, i haven't figured out how to do that thru this site though??

Specializes in ICU, SICU, Burns, ED, Cath lab, and EMS.

I withdrew from a front loaded program. After a year off,I have completed 3/4 of my anesthesia program. Also I have experienced much adversity..personal doubts, family member death, extreme financial stress, and BS from jerks in clinicals. I experienced a great deal of difficulty with doing things the wrong way or the way your preceptor wanted to do things. If you want to return-do some self evaluation about: what didnt work? do you believe you can succeed? Did you take corrective comments personal? I have been successful through the help of motivational mentors, positive thoughts, and ignoring the jerks. After being a nurse for over 20 years, I am experiencing one the greatest challenges of my can do it.

UT. Texas. I think we are on an island.. maybe we put ourselves there somehow. I dont think anyone is really going to help us.

Yea, but i was dismissed. I didnt like school; but I didnt think I deserved to be kicked out. I am sure I wont get a second chance. but thanks.,

I withdrew from a front loaded program. After a year off,I have completed 3/4 of my anesthesia program. Also I have experienced much adversity..personal doubts, family member death, extreme financial stress, and BS from jerks in clinicals. I experienced a great deal of difficulty with doing things the wrong way or the way your preceptor wanted to do things. If you want to return-do some self evaluation about: what didnt work? do you believe you can succeed? Did you take corrective comments personal? I have been successful through the help of motivational mentors, positive thoughts, and ignoring the jerks. After being a nurse for over 20 years, I am experiencing one the greatest challenges of my can do it.

Being dismissed sucks. I think it was wrong, but what can I do. i just need to start over. I dont see how I can get back in. Ill try though. Thanks, gm

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