Published Jan 5, 2010
HomeGrownMichiganRN, ADN
105 Posts
I am trying to start a thread for people applying to the Lansing Community College Nursing Program Spring 2010!
Any and all posters welcome!
60 Posts
Hi Crystal,
I am!
But as I think I will only have 69-71 points for their traditional program, it would take a miracle for me to get accepted. Next year, tho, I know I'll make it in. Unless they drastically change their entrance points system for 2011. Next year I'll be able to apply to the accelerated program as well as the traditional.
Good luck to everyone who is applying this year. I know that all of you who get in this year will be the highest qualified entering class ever!
Hi Frnzy,
The point cut-off for this year was I believe 77 with a couple of 76 getting in so I don't think 71 will cut it but do not give up! I am been raising my points for 2 years and I now have 85 points for the program.
Take your time and you will be fine. I really can not see the points go up much higher because it is so hard to get higher points unless you were in the military and have the luxuray of living in District.
If nursing is what you really want to do then "keep on truckin"
I know 71 won't make the cut, there's so many people that applied last year with more points than that that didn't get into the program. And their points have probably only gone up in the past year. I should have at least 85 points for next year. Hopefully that will be enough. But by applying this year, at least I'll have all my information together and know how the process works when I reapply next year. Good luck to everyone who has worked hard!!
I think that is a great idea and yes I really think that 85 points will still be enough next year.
Good Luck to You!
5 Posts
I just finished my pre-reqs fall semester. I am also planning on applying to the program this fall. I have 83 points, so I hope that is enough to get in.
Good luck!
Hi Lindy4,
I really think 80 points will be enough for people to get in this year. The points have gotten so high and it is just unrealistic for people to get many more. With 83 points I am sure you will be a shoe in!
Did you turn in your application yet? I know the deadline is March 1st but I had everything ready so I turned it in this Monday. It was a huge weight off my sholders but just makes me more and more anxious to hear if I got in. They told me in April or May I will know if I made the cut.
Good Luck!!
14 Posts
I had my check off with the advisor today. I have either 78 or 80 points depending on if they accept the Med assist externship I did thru Ross Medical in late 2006 as volunteer direct patient care. I did 180 hours of patient care in one month for that externship. Not sure if they are going to accept that or not. I just need to get the letter from the Dr. I did my externship for and I will turn in my application. I see that I have less points then all of you so I an def. worried I won't make the cut. I am really hoping I do not have to wait another year to apply again. I can only do the part-time program so I am not sure if that will decrease my odds of getting in either. Sounds like the rest of you are a sure bet for acceptance tho. Good Luck
Hi Diane,
I really think 80 points will be enough to get into the program. And really I think you will be fine with the full time. Everyone I have talked to so far is applying to the full-time program so you have a leg up already. As for the direct paitient care... You can get two points for any voulenteer experience as long as it is 96 hours within 5 years. So you should be set.
Good Luck and make sure you post when you apply!
Crystal- I had an appointment on Monday. She checked everything off so I turned it in Monday too. I feel so relieved that it is off my shoulders, but I can't stand the waiting process. I want to know now. :) Good luck to you!
Diane- I wouldn't get discouraged by the points just yet. No one really knows what the cut off is going to be this year so you might be just fine. Keep your head up and wait for the letter to decide your mood. :) Good luck to you too!!
Lindy - I am glad you were able to turn in your application. I tell you this waiting is driving me crazy. The lady that took my application said it would be April or May before we will get our acceptence letters. (I am saying acceptence because I don't want to think denial
I am sure everything will turn out for us. Just gotta keep positive. Are you applying to the full-time program?
I was told by the counselor that we would hear by May 1st. That seems so far away! I'm with you on thinking positive though.....acceptance letters it will be! :)
I applied for the full-time program, but will take the part-time. I'm hoping to get the full-time, but I didn't want to limit my options just in case. What program did you apply for?