anyone applying to Georgia state Spring 2012 program?

U.S.A. Georgia


anyone applying to gsu spring 2012 my GPA is 3.4. Im retaking the teas i got a 76, i think, the first time. i asked before but not to many people responded, so im asking again:D.

Kuleski, did you get a letter in the mail stating that, or did you go on campus?

Im in the Trad! The PINS review now has 67 !

I just hung up from Ms. Corley, because I haven't received anything (accept, denial or waitlist) yet and I live in Midtown. She told me that a letter (whatever kind it was) was sent out to me on the 9th and that I should receive it no later than the end of the week.... ;-(

I was just about to go down there and ask the same question, I love in East Atlanta so I figured I would have heard by now too. I can't believe it would take a week to travel one mile through atlanta...?

She said that they don't go right out. They have to go through different depts which is probably why it may take longer. I don't know what she meant by the different depts part, I just wanted to know if and when it was written, sent, etc.

alliecares- I received a letter in the mail letting me know I was wait listed. In the letter there is a number and contact person if you have any questions regarding the wait list. I'm sorry you haven't heard anything yet, I know how stressful waiting is. Well good luck.

Thanks! When did you receive your letter?

Got my waitlisted letter today in the mail, for the other's who are in the same position where did you find out your number on the list? I know it doesn't really matter it seems like waitlisted is pretty much denied but I suppose it is worth checking out. Congrats to everyone who has gotten in, you guys really deserve it.

I just got home and received my waitlist letter too... I'm kind of sad, but then again, I had prepared myself for it or a denial letter. I started working on my Plan B earlier this week, so now I'm stuck with making the decision to either apply to my Plan B school or retake a few classes to increase my GPA and reapply for fall. Any suggestions?...

There is no way I can afford to pay to retake classes, I am going to retake my TEAS and try to blow it out of the water. I'm torn with trying to apply to Emory or not because it would be a huge struggle to actually be able to pay for it if I did get in. But I don't want to roll the dice and only apply to state again. I called and the said I was #19 on the list so ugh, what about you? Anyway I think going for cocktails tonight is definitely in order!

I really can't afford to either. I pay out of pocket for school, because I exhausted my student loans with my 1st Bachelor's ($18,000 a year private university. Still mad at myself over that one... But I sure did have fun!!!) I know that I can't afford to pay for Emory or Mercer out of pocket, especially if I can't work while in school. As far as cocktails are concerned, I stopped by the store before I came home. I figured that I would need them after I read that you had received your letter today. I knew that I would probably have something too and need something else!!! ;-)

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