Anyone apply for UCF nursing 2011 at Daytona Beach?


Hi, everyone! I am a wife with 2 kids, 15 and 9. My husband is out of country now and for four more weeks. I am taking Spanish 1 and nutrition at DSC now to be able to apply to UCF at Daytona next year. I have a 4.0 GPA and 75 teas score. I don't think I have time to study to take another teas test with my summer classes. I am Chinese learning Spanish. It is not easy! I am just gonna hope that not everyone apply has a 4.0 GPA. I like to read your story if you like to share.:)

I mean Spring 2012.

congrats on your 4.0!

I am also applying for Spring 2012 at the Daytona campus. My overall GPA is 3.38, which Im a little worried about. My science GPA is 4.0 and my overall pre-req GPA is 3.56. My TEAS score is 84.7. I am praying this is enough to get in as I have declined 2 other offers for ADN programs and an offer at UNF for the Fall to interview, to attend UCF. Keeping my fingers crossed. Anyone else out there applying to UCF Daytona for the Spring of 2012?

Good luck! I hope to see you guys in the spring! And not to worry, we have lots of plans to try to help y'all out the best we possibly can with the huge wave of oh-god-what-did-i-do-this-for :]

Hey Kay,

Are you a current UCF Daytona srudent or are applying for the Spring? Today's the deadline! I want this so bad!! Good luck to you.

I started this past January, so we'll be mentoring you and things like that. We have a lot of ideas to try to help you guys based on our experiences as Juniors. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We want to make things as painless for the incoming class as possible

That is great! It's going to be nice to be able to have you all there to ask questions and get advice from if needed. Do you know the average GPA/Teas scores of those accepted in your class. I've heard its a little less competitive than the Orlando campus but Im still worried about my GPA. My stats are:

Overall GPA: 3.38

Pre Req GPA: 3.56

Science GPA: 4.0

TEAS: 84.7

Do you think I have a pretty good chance? Thanks and hopefully I'll be meeting you in January!:o

Your TEAS scores are really good, but I don't know what the average GPA of my class was before the program so I can't comment on that. I had a 3.95 GPA and a TEAS of 88. It's really hard to say, because it entirely depends on the pool of applicants. If you ask Maureen at the Daytona campus, she might be able to tell you the cutoff GPA for our class. I remember her telling me what it was for the class before ours, but I don't remember the number.

Hi, Kay:

I know this is too early to ask. But I am thinking of visit my family at Taiwan before the program begin. Miss Mareen said that would be the only break I have. Could you tell me when is the 2012 spring semester started? And, Do you think I will be done with everything for the program(backgroung check, drug test..)?

Also, when did you get your letter? I am hoping the end of July. The waiting is hard...

I would definitely make your visit home before the program starts. We have had one week for Spring Break (and it wasn't exactly a break - we had two papers to work on and an exam the day we came back) and two weeks before summer so far, and will be getting another two weeks before Fall semester. So time to go out of town is limited.

I got my acceptance e-mail on August 26th, but there were a lot of delays with the application process - the nursing staff out at main campus were moving from one building to another, so the admission process came to a halt for a few weeks. The incoming junior class will probably get theirs sooner, but don't quote me on that! Our spring semester started on January 10th, and our orientation which is MANDATORY was January 4th and 5th. So I'd plan to be back before New Year's.

As far as getting all of your background checks and stuff done, that depends on how badly you procrastinate! If you want to be safe, get all of your immunization records together now. You have to have documented proof of all of this or it doesn't matter - I had to go get a titer drawn for Chickenpox because I was never vaccinated, just had the disease and had no proof! Ugh. Anyway these are the vaccines we had to have:


Tetorifice/Diptheria or Tdap (booster within 10 years)

Measles, Mumps, Rubella or lab proof of immunity (ie: a titer)

Varicella (chickenpox) or titer

Hepatitis B vaccine or titer

They recommended Hepatitis A, meningitis, and flu vaccines but they weren't required. You also had to have a Tuberculosis skin test and I believe it must be done before each semester as they are having us get another one before fall. Getting your paperwork together early will save you loads of trouble. You'll also need copies of your health insurance card, uniforms, a nursing kit, an ATI test kit, and a ton of books. I'm not going to lie, getting into this program is expensive! So save up as much as you can. It was easily over $1500 out of pocket before tuition even came into the picture for me.

And please remember that I'm not 100% sure on the requirements for your class, but this is what was required of mine and I want y'all to know a bit of what to expect. I really hope to see you guys in the Spring!

Hi Kay,

I have applied for the Spring as well and I am very worried about a few things. Firstly, thank you for all the great information. Understandably, it has been hard finding any current students willing to find the time to post here. My situation is: I have reached my undergrad loan limit and have to fund this program strictly from whatever pell I receive and scholarships I can get. I already have my immunizations, health insurance and Stethescope/cuff. Book are a big part of that cost but I plan on trying to find e versions and cheap used books if I can. My big dillemma is tuition. Do you remember what your first and second semester tuitions were? I am confused about whether pell will cover next summer as I heard that the feds are eliminating summer pell starting summer 2012. But since we only attend the Spring and summer and not the Fall there should be a balance remaining on the pell which would be available for summer. I guess those are questions for fin aid. Are you all offered scholarships right away when you begin? I have to try and make this work for me. I will be living at home so rent/bills and food aren't a problem. As long as I can cover tuition I'll be ok but I am adding it all up with pell and it is not even covering tuition. I fugured tuition is around 11,500 right? Any further info on what's out there to help with this would be great. Thanks again so much Kay. Hope to see you soon


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