Anybody ever have an MD actively campaign to have you fired?

Nurses General Nursing


My title is pretty descriptive. There is one doctor who hates me. Over the past several months there have been some unpleasant exchanges. I try to avoid caring for his pts, but sometimes I can't. I've known for over a year that he went to the CNE, and CEO of the hospital to get me canned. Sometimes I worry alot about it, sometimes not so much. I can't be real descriptive about the exchanges because I like the anonymity of this site. The MD feels I challenge his orders when I only try to clarify.

How do you handle it? Should I look for another job? I've got 10 years invested in the hospital where I work. No union here.:cry:

As human beings we are ALL EQUAL. When it comes to work, it is a different matter.

I choose to, and will be open enough to learn from everyone I meet regardless of job title, but you WILL respect the boundaries of your degree or job title and defer to the one who has more capabilities and actually studied for that degree should a situation arise.

We are all equals, but dont get fooled by that and try to overstep your job descriptions.

I began working at a hospital I'd worked at before, but with a different unit manager. One of the docs told her that she 'knew' that I'd been caught diverting drugs from the home health company I worked for.... Hmmmm.... 1) I never had an issue with drug diversion/abuse, :eek: and 2) I never worked for ANY home health. I had applied at one, and done a pre-emp drug screen, which was fine, and was offered the job (a couple of years earlier) but turned it down when the place I was at offered me a different position that was physically less demanding, as the health issues had started.

Fortunately, the nursing office group knew me well enough to come to me and ask what was going on. I was clueless, but offered up all the pee they wanted (had already done a pre-employment UDS that did have darvocet in it- but I had a rx, so that was cleared up with no problem- thought it was done and over with until Doc ****** started slandering me). The NM heard what I had to say, and said she'd talk to the people who had known me for years- and it all got resolved.

BUT, I was ticked off....:mad: One evening, when this doc was charting in the chart area for docs, I stopped and asked her (nobody else around, and I was calm and very "oh, I just wanted to clear up something I'm concerned about, that you heard I'd been diverting, yadda, yadda, yadda...)... She backpedaled REALLY quickly- wasn't her, no- never heard anything like that, etc. All I wanted was to let her know I'd heard her attempted character assassination, and wasn't playing. And she was the only doc mentioned in the 'complaint'...she didn't want me working there, which I never understood. She had been a doc that came to the nh I worked at, and I'd always gotten along well with her.....go figure. :confused:

Had I not been working someplace I'd worked before, and for people who knew me, it could have been a major nightmare- as it was, it just hurt really badly. :crying2:

I can commiserate, sometimes the bad press we get, thru no fault of our own, is our potential downfall. A few years ago, a building I was working in, a lot of rumors started about me. I worked elsewhere full-time, only went to that building which was in trouble with survey, as a prn in the late evenings and weekends, to help the DNS with special projects, audits etc. I did a lot of fixing and updating of assessments, and the patients all knew me by name (funny how that happens when you are really doing the assessments that are due, they all said over and over, no one had ever done this before). Then the one of the managers walked out, so like a dummy, I filled in. The replacement nurse manager, who had never met me,threw me under the bus and every person in the administration (except the DNS) believed all of her trash talking and then, just for fun, the corporate nurse gossiped, in the hallway, about me, all fabrications. It only negatively impacted the facility, and the staff suffered as did everyone's reputation. I never did understand what the purpose was. I see that type of behavior all the time in "bad" buildings and do not tolerate it in my building. If you have a complaint, you put it in writing and run it up the flagpole, not attack people who are not around to defend themselves.

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