Any tips for needing to repeat the NCLEX?!


Hello nurse gang!

New to this site and new to the BSN world! I am a December 2016 grad of a BSN program and have already taken the NCLEX...unfortunately, didn't go as planned. I am currently enrolled in the Hurst Review course and have been struggling (mostly mentally) about this next, upcoming NCLEX. I was wondering if there were experienced people who were in this position who would be willing to share their stories/advice/etc! I am slightly freaking out and would really appreciate any comments! Thanks

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Have you received your candidate performance report? That should help guide you as to which areas should be the most concentrated for review (below passing standard), average concentration for review (near passing standard), and quick review (above passing standard).

Yes, I have. However... now that I'm studying again and doing more practice tests, I've noticed that my NCLEX performance isn't always the same as the practice test results...? Does that make sense? For example, psychosocial integrity was my only "below passing" and my first hurst review test it was my best category? I've just been covering all aspects of the nclex in order to increase my knowledge all hopes of that working.

Thanks for responding!

I agree with the above statement. I am a repeat test taker and I was a very good student in school. I score 96% chance of passing on uworld. And I score high on other practice exams through hurst and kaplan and failed the nclex. I looked at my performance card they send and I was near passing in all categories except one so I would study hard in that one area and score high on practice exams then fail my exam.

my advice is to take a mental break for yourself then reschedule as soon as you can stay in your books to keep it fresh in your mind. Stay positive and know that you can do it. Uworld in my opinion was harder then nclex yet I haven't been able to pass but I'm not sure what I am missing yet. Could be anxiety and could be I'm not a good test taker with computers. Uworld is very good and I have to say they really give accurate information.

I took my first nclex in Feb and have the next one scheduled for next week. I've given myself mental breaks (which I've realized are almost more important than this whole studying thing!). I appreciate your feedback and I'm glad I'm not alone. My classmate felt that her hurst review tests were harder than her nclex...which I know is different for everyone. I dove into the uworld and noticed that I usually narrow my answers down to two, then pick the "second best", therefore it's wrong. I don't know how to go about correcting that for nclex day. Guess more practice, practice, practice!

You will be fine trust me . Just focus on understand the right answer and why it is right. And do nothing the day before your test. Instructors have told me to relax and let your brain rest. Eat a good breakfast and have confidence that's something I've never had. It's not how many questions you do it's taking your time and understanding the ones you are doing at that moment. Don't rush when it comes to the test take your time read it word for word. Honestly nclex questions are easier then uworld I'm just a wild case that can't pass due to unknown reasons.

Know your contact precautions and lab values. You got this !

Thank you so much! It's comforting to hear these things from someone other than a significant other or family members... haha. Might sound silly, but it is! I wish you luck as your continue your journey as well!

Absolutely . School is over that was the hard part this is just another test and you will get it .

I think that the Hurst review is great. I feel like I wouldn't have passed without it. But it kind of sounds like you're going about answering the questions wrong. When you get a question wrong (or if it's one you got right but only guessed at it) read the rational and understand why what you picked is wrong and why the right answer is correct. If you do that you'll be able to answer most questions easily without going through each answer and narrowing it down to 2 and guessing. I didn't feel like the nclex was practical it's more about knowing how they want you to answer the question.

Need some help! I am also a December grad, I was barely able to take my NCLEX last week. I took all 265 questions and failed. I am not really sure what to do now or how to get back to studying. How long does it take to get the CPR? And is that the only review we get from out exam?

Hello! From my experience and reading up on the NCLEX, if you failed with taking all 265 questions... you were ALMOST there!!! So, don't lose hope! I got my CPR, about 1-2 weeks after my exam? It wasn't extremely helpful... it just tells you where you fall in each category (above passing, below passing, near). I used the hurst review and later caved and took some time doing some Uworld questions. I actually took my test last week Thursday..... and I PASSED with about 80-85 questions. I believe both hurst and uworld helped me with that! I also did a lot of positive thinking and relaxation techniques....and that I think helped me the most. Let me know if you want anymore help or have any more questions!

For people that don't pass please take it from me, get back on the horse don't waste time in between. Some people take it more then 1,2,3 times and I have been in healthcare many years and have seen it. Please stay positive. Please don't give up.

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