Any New Hampshire Pre-Students??


Just wondering if anyone out here is a NH Pre-Nursing student? I actually haven't started classes yet, but I will be starting my first pre-req in the spring. I already have some pre-req's out of the way because I already have obtained an AS degree from the same school I'd be going to for nursing :)

I will be looking at the program at NHTI.

NHTI has a GREAT program! I graduated in May from NHCTC in Stratham. There are some other NHCTC grads on this board, too, but I don't know about NHTI. What pre-reqs do you have to do? (I had a BA before I applied, so I had a bunch of credits transfer, too...but still had to do A&P, Micro, and Human Growth/Dev).

Anyway, welcome!


Specializes in Maternity, quality.

Yup, I'm here, too. Currently taking classes at NHCTC-Manchester, though took a couple at NHTI about five and a half years ago (the first time I considered getting into nursing). I took intro psych and A&P I there. Intro psych was okay, not particularly memorable. Enjoyed A&P I, the professor was challenging and really knew her stuff (I believe she was a nurse, as well). I'm pretty sure she's still there.

Are you planning to apply to NHTI? I've heard good things about their program and I know they're putting a lot of effort into building a new facility for it. I've applied to an Accelerated BSN program at USM but am considering the Techs as a backup (as well as the direct-entry MSN from UNH).

Good luck!

I myself too are taking pre reqs to apply for the nursing program. I am currently an LNA student and want to work in the field while in school for nursing. I am taking chemistry and A&P 1 spring semester and other classes in the summer and plan to apply to the fall07 nusring program at either NHTI or Rivier. I am trying to take as many classes as I can before entering.

Good Luck

I'm late to this thread, but somebody may still be watching.

I have my application in at NHCTC-Stratham for a Fall 06 start. Looking at a second career at 45. I don't know how competetive the school is, but I managed a 161 composite on the NLN exam. Hopefully that will be good enough to make it despite the fact that I haven't completed A&P 1&2. My understanding is that you get 20 points added to your NLN score if you have completed the two A&P classes.

My plan (assuming I get in!) is to take A&P this summer and complete the whole program in two years. This may be ambitious, but I'm going to deal with it like it's a full-time job and go as far as I can. Time will tell!

chicy724, I live in Southern Maine although have applied to NHCTC-Stratham for fall 06 - so could be considered a "New Hampshire Pre-Student"! Good luck with your prereqs.

Ifod4me, Great NLN composite score!! You must have scored in the upper 90s for your overall percentile! I scored in the 89th percentile and know I could have done better - felt ill on the test day. I have completed A&P 1&2 so will keep the faith. I have heard that the nursing letters go out early April - have you heard any different? Best of luck to you!!!


Thanks for your kind remarks. I'm very fortunate in that I just test well. The 161 actually was a 99 percentile for each of the sections. I did study quite a bit before the test. The science section was toughest for me. The biology stuff has changed a lot since I was young. Fortunately, the chemistry and physics stuff pulled me through.

I don't want to get your hopes up in case I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the letters from NHCTC-Stratham should go out soon after March 7. I based that upon what they told us at the information session. Applications close on 2/28. They take a couple of days verifying which applications are complete. Then they sort the complete ones out based upon the aggregate score that was based (I think) on a possible 5 points for your references, 20 points if you have completed (as in done, not still taking) A&P I&II, and your composite score on the NLN. I don't believe that your test grades for prerequisites count for anything. Either you have adequate pre-reqs or you don't.

They send all of the letters (acceptance, denial, and wait-list) out in one mailing. My guess is that we should know by the Ides-of-March. Should that scare us? :)

Good luck, and let me know how you do when the letters come out. Also, if you find out that my time-line is bogus please let me know!

Ifod4me, Ahhhh! I would love to find out earlier than April! It would make sense that it would be sooner rather than later. I know someone that has also applied, I'll contact her and see what she has been told - I'll let you know. Maybe someone else who reads this can answer for us. At the info. session I went to, I asked if having a high GPA and almost all non-nursing courses completed would help my chance of selection and got a straight "no"! Like you said it is based purely on references, NLN score and A&P completion. Again, good luck!!!!

Hi! I'm also applying to NHCTC-Stratham for this fall. I was told that we wont get responses until the first week of April. NHCTC sent out an email newsletter a week or two and thats what it said. I cant wait!

I go to NHCTC-Laconia and have been there taking pre-reqs and other required courses for a year now. I applied for fall of 06 start and just got my letter of acceptance Saturday!

I am still applying for the program at Rivier in Nashua but unsure of the daily drive. Want to keep my options open as I do want to eventually get my Masters and will be headed to there soon enough to get Bachelors so maybe I should do it in one shot.

Keep plugging away!!

Specializes in Maternity, quality.
I go to NHCTC-Laconia and have been there taking pre-reqs and other required courses for a year now. I applied for fall of 06 start and just got my letter of acceptance Saturday!

I am still applying for the program at Rivier in Nashua but unsure of the daily drive. Want to keep my options open as I do want to eventually get my Masters and will be headed to there soon enough to get Bachelors so maybe I should do it in one shot.

Keep plugging away!!

Congrats kukukajoo! Great news! For future reference (though I'm sure you already know this) UNH-Manchester has an RN-to-BSN program as well (they do not offer a traditional BSN at this campus, just the Durham one). Just thought I'd mention this since it might be less expensive and a bit easier to make that drive once you get to that point than Rivier.

wow!! I did not know that and that is definately an option for me and eases my mind!! That would be much easier for me! I will have to check into that program. I am so excited to be on my way finally!

Does anyone know why UNH is not showing as a NLNAC accredited school? The only ones showing for NH are the tech colleges and Rivier and then St Joes LPN program.....

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