Published Jun 21, 2012
53 Posts
Hope everyone is having a great summer! So I finished Anat and Psio this summer for 6 weeks and ended up with a C. Another C that I have made in my entire college career was last semester in Chemistry second sem. Here is a list of my courses and gpa's so far.
First semester of college:
CRL 101 A
ENGL 101 B
INDV 101 A
TRAD 104 B
GPA 3.538
Second semester of college:
CRL 102 A
ENGL 102 A
INDV 102 A
MATH (alg) A
TRAD 102 A
GPA for sem: 4.0 / cumulative 3.793
Third semester of college:
ARE 130 A
CHEM 101 (sec.a) B
N SC 170 B
Psio and Anat W
GPA for sem: 3.333 / cumulative 3.684
Fourth semester of college:
Chem 101 (sec. b) C
Chem 102 lab B
CPH 387 A
SOC 357 A
GPA for sem: 3.231 / cumulative 3.569
Summer session 1:
BIO 181 A
Summer session 2 (2012 summer):
Psio and Anat C
Sorry for the long read guys, I'm really getting nervous and thinking everything through. Should I redo the chemistry or some other pre-req's like nutrition? I don't think I have time to redo the major ones because I just want to keep moving forward. Will those two c's in my pre-req's hurt my application. I do have volunteer work done and shadowing from both my parents, who are RN's. I'm just getting worried because two c's could mean getting accepted or not getting accepted. If those two c's are going to keep me from getting accepted, I know the interview is not going to happen unless I'm just lucky. My school here says that they take people with high and low gpa's. It just depends on the cycle and who applies. Thanks for the help and advice in advance!
willowita, ADN, RN
517 Posts
You really need to talk to the nursing advisor at your school. They will have the best approach for either fixing grades or telling you that you're okay to apply as is. I don't know what school you go to or anything about their program so I can't offer any specific advice. Seeing the advisor or counselor is best.
Specifically University of Arizona, but does my grades look alright?
I browsed through their program and it seems like you meet the minimum requirements (3.0 gpa, at least C's in pre-reqs). But if you can retake chem and A&P, then you should. It will make you more competitive.
61 Posts
Good Morning! I think your grades are fine, but it depends on the way your school determines elligibility for the program.
For instance, my school only looks at SAT, TEAS, and Pre-requisite course grades. They do not do interviews or require letters of recommendation. They take all of these grades/scores and put them on a scoring sheet. The 3 Biologies (A&P1,2 and Micro) make up 50% of the score. All the other core classes (Math, English, Psych, etc) make up 30% and the TEAS and SAT scores are 10% each. They only look at the courses that are required on the score sheet, so anything else doesn't matter.
(Example: My school's nursing program requires PSYCH 2103. In order to take that class, I first had to take PSYCH 1101 as a prerequisite. The score sheet only considers PSYCH 2103.)
You end up with a number value for each section, add them, and then you've got your score. Then they take everyones scores, line them up from top to bottom and draw the cut off line at the number os students they accept.
I told you all that to tell you this: Don't fret about your total GPA unless you know that your school considers the GPA itself. Your school may be like mine and only care about their required courses. In that case, you can sit down with your advisor and determine which courses you could retake to improve your score, etc.
Hope this helps a little! No matter what, you've got a good GPA and I think everything will work out. Just keep working hard! :hug:
2,723 Posts
It really does depend on how your school does things. Your grades in general look good, but a C in A&P would probably keep you out of my program because that class is weighed heavily in our points system.
So I don't know, but you definitely seem to be on the right track!
Very true. My school does it with pre-req's weighing in at 45% and the interview including the application is the rest of the percentage. I don't think I will have time these two semesters because first semester my schedule is this.
First semester:
Microbiology 205 a
EDP (lifespan development)
and a gen ed class to keep my gpa boosted.
Second semester:
Psio and Anat 202
Some other classes for my minor
* I'm going to be trying to apply for fall 2013 admission so I have to finish my application in january of that year. I have heard mixed stories about people getting in with a couple c's in some classes while others not so much.
Any other suggestions, advice, comments? Thanks again guys!
At the schools in my area (san diego) the general consensus is you better have straight A's to be competative. For state specifically it is 33% prereq 33% overall and 18% teas 18% experience The CC system is 25% prereq 10% overall with 40% teas and the rest is split between language knowledge, experience and extenuating circumstances.
rubato, ASN, RN
1,111 Posts
You really need to talk to an adviser or counselor at your school. My school has a minimum requirement of 2.5, but people didn't get in with 4.0s. I just had to talk to the counselor to find out just how competitive it really was.
3 Posts
Having been an RN for 6 years, I wish I would have had this preparation for what it is really like, both in school and on the job.
I understand that each school is competitive. It's so hard to say because it seems here in AZ that it differs by each applicant pool each year. Some people say that some people with low gpa's don't get in, while others with 4.0's don't get in either. I'm a pretty sociable person to be around. In addition, both of my parent's are nurses and I am familiar with the jobs they do including shadowing them. I don't know if that would help my application because it seems nowadays grades are more important. I was contemplating retaking classes, but I"m pressed for time.