Published Oct 17, 2016
makeuplover2, ADN, RN
13 Posts
Hey everyone,
I really need to hear some stuff that will calm my nerves down about starting nursing school. I start in January in my RN program and I just want to graduate on time and have a good experience. I don't mind the studying and the time, I just don't want to "fail" out of a clinical or anything similar. I really just want to have a good nursing school experience. I know people who got very low grades while doing pre-reqs and it took them forever to get into nursing school, but they finally did. And when they got in, they never failed out. They graduated on time. So I know I will be successful, but I just want to be reassured from hearing other's experiences in nursing school with clinical and everything.
120 Posts
I felt nursing school was challenging but no more so than the prerequisites. If you continue to study hard and stick with it, you will get through it.
On a similar note, I had classmates who were disappointed because they thought they were going to "enjoy" nursing school and clinicals but instead found they were busting their butts trying to get through. It's not a picnic but I can say being a nurse does NOT feel the same as going through nursing school. Good luck!
Thank you so much for this! It really means a lot!!
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
There were quite a few people weeded out in the first and second semesters of my program. I don't think they were incapable, they just seemed to have lifestyle issues that made a chaotic nursing program difficult. So beyond maintaining good study habits, I'd say you should make sure that your personal life is stable and allows you to focus on your academic goals.
1,381 Posts
I think most of my friends and I had cried at least once during nursing school. Just letting you know it's normal if it happens to you Students get so worried about hurting someone that when an instructor makes one doubt ones abilities, it can shake someone up. There's also that whole eating your young mentality with some nurses, so yeah... it might be tough but it's normal and you'll get through. The friendships you make will be unforgettable.
That helps! Thanks a lot, you guys!
Buyer beware, BSN
1,139 Posts
And next time take the Valium, Ativan or Xanax of your choice.
489 Posts
Nursing school isn't bad at all, wait until you're actually working as a nurse. Unfortunately that's when the real anxiety begins...