

I am think about joining the military, AF to be specific, and have a question about anxiety. Can someone be commissioned with a history of anxiety attacks, history of taking anti-anxiety medication, or still be taking anti-anxiety medication? Also, after commissioned could someone start taking ani-anxiety medication and still be in the military or is it going to be more of a honorable discharge?

Specializes in Psych, Med Surg, ER.

There is no way you could be in the military. With a history of psych issues: depression, anxiety or schitzophrenia, you aren't eligable to join the military. Sorry.

It's possible that this is completely untrue, and you may qualify for a waiver (getting it approved may be another thing, but you may still be able to apply for a waiver). Getting that waiver depends on a variety of factors, most of which are out of your control.

I'm inclined to say you're disqualified, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to say for sure. I've seen situations that I never thought would fly, and bang - the person's in the military.

"Permanent" and "history" does not immediately mean "disqualifying". Call a recruiter (you need a MEDICAL PROFESSIONS recruiter, not the guys and gals at the shopping mall) and ask him or her what the current Air Force reg says. Only they have the current correct answer.

Do not give up hope until you see it in an Air Force Reg in black and white.

At least talk to a recruiter if your interested, but be prepared for "no" as an answer.

What about the military appeals to you, given your admitted aversion to stress?

if you’re not globally deployable then you’re wasting your time. if you can’t be deployed then some else will have go and it wouldn’t be fair. the af is lean and mean. maybe five years ago you could have gotten a medical waiver and given a desk job but with the down economy, they have plenty of nurses to choose from. i would consider contract nursing on base or government (gs) nursing position on base.

Do not automatically assume that an examining physician or medical board deciding body will find your situation to be disqualifying.

Specializes in CVICU.

I was worried about the same thing. I have a history of irritable bowel syndrome and have been perscibed 1mg of lorazapam at nite for the last 2 years. I tried all the normal ibs meds like bentyl etc but those were ineffective. Combination of lorazapam at nite and proper excercise and diet have controlled my symptoms well. When I went to MEPS I was DQd solely on my hx of IBS and had to get a waiver. This despite the fact I could pass every pt test today. So, I had my professors all write letters saying I was a good student 3.35 GPA and that I never missed 1 day of clinicals or class even during an accellerated program. I have also never missed a day of work. So I got the waiver and also got accepted last week to the reserves and according to my recruiter will commision this week or next. So I guess they look at the entire package.

I dont know if they classify IBS as an anxiety issue but lorazapam is definetely in the anxiety class of meds. Hope that helps.

I think everyone in the US suffers from anxiety in one way or the other. Many people just use the regular american otc beer,wine, hard liquor, or acting cranky with co-workers to control stress. I explained in my app that i dont drink or smoke. I guess you can just try your best and explain your situation to the recruiter and see if theyll try for waiver.

Jerry - thanks for sharing your story with the OP.

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