Published Sep 15, 2015
375 Posts
If you're applying to multiple facilities and one reaches out to you, how do you slow things down so that other facilities (with slower HRs) may contact you too?
I would hate to be ''snatched up" by an eager recruiter before other facilities have a chance to show me what they have to offer.
Or am I being crazy?
Not too long ago I would've died to have any facility reach out to me, but I want the best offer I can get.
35 Posts
I feel you. This past week, I was contacted by 3 recruites, one of which I got a job offer. I have a group interview with Kaiser on Oct 6, few days before my start date with the other job. 2 mos ago I have been applying like crazy, submitting online applications of all sort.
Wrench Party
823 Posts
I kinda wish I'd done this recently! I had to turn down 2 other interviews because I decided to accept the first position offered.
My best advice is ask how long you have to decide in an email. If you're a good candidate and they want you, they'll be honest about the timeline for the position. A lot of this depends on how soon the NM needs you on the floor.
244 Posts
Just a little advice...especially if you don't have experience. As a nurse manager I am interviewing lots of candidates. I usually have a couple that I am interested in. If I pick one and they tell me they want more than a week to decide, I am moving on. I am not trying to be harsh but nurse managers are trying to staff a unit and are often dealing with limited orientation start dates. If we have candidates of equal caliber we are not going to wait while candidates interview elsewhere.
FolksBtrippin, BSN, RN
2,297 Posts
If you get a job offer, make sure you get all the details; salary, benefits, etc. Ask for a deadline on when they need a decision.
Then immediately call and email your top choice employer/supervisor and tell them you have a job offer you need to make a decision on by x date. The position they have open is your first choice position, do you have a chance? is there any way you can get in for an interview before that date?
If they can't accommodate you, call your second choice if one exists.
If they can and do accommodate you bring your other offer to the table and ask if they can match it.
Be bold, Be honest.
If you are dealing with recruiters, don't let them rush you.