annoying lab instructor

Nursing Students General Students


My lab instructor was teaching us dosage calculations, and I looked overwhelmed and exhausted in class. The freaking instructor kept calling my name, and asking me if i was alright. I think she views me as the "weakest student".If I fail dosage calc, then obviously i'm not fit to be a nurse, so my failure should be the least of her concern. Why is she picking on me?

She could have just been concerned about you.

Specializes in Telemetry, OB, NICU.

I don't see anything wrong with the instructor. Maybe she thought you didn't care about class, which is actually annoying. or she thought you were sick or something. I dont see anybody picking on you.

I think it would be worse if your instructur would allow you to fail without trying to call on you. Maybe you should meet up with your lab instructor outside of lab and talk about it.

Specializes in Oncology.

If you looked overwhelmed and exhausted, I'm sure that played the largest role in her calling on you and asking if you were okay. If you're still in dosage calculations, they aren't trying to pinpoint weak students and put pressure on them yet. Wait until med-surg. ;)

On a side note though, I understand how annoying that can be and I'd encourage you to talk to your instructor about it one on one if you really are confused. She will be less likely to call you out in class if she sees that you're making an effort and will come to her with questions.

how about a little support instead of a lecture..

Just because you think you may fail Dosage and Calculations doesn't mean you aren't fit to be a nurse! It just means you might need a math tutor, some remediation and take it again. If you want to be a nurse, don't let anyone or ANY SUBJECT stand in your way. I have always been horrible in math...HORRIBLE. Growing up I barely passed my math classes and when it came time for me to take Dosage and Calculations, I did horrible the first 4 tests and then all of a sudden it "clicked" and I buckled down, got 100% on my Final and managed to get a B in the class....all that worry and now look at me, in my last semester of nursing school!!!! You can do it! Just believe in yourself!! Sorry for rant, kind of off topic, just wanted to be encouraging, because I had no one encouraging me!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

your remark sounds like a high schooler. Be alert in class, act interested and respond politely. Just remember, this too shall pass.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
My lab instructor was teaching us dosage calculations, and I looked overwhelmed and exhausted in class. The freaking instructor kept calling my name, and asking me if i was alright. I think she views me as the "weakest student".If I fail dosage calc, then obviously i'm not fit to be a nurse, so my failure should be the least of her concern. Why is she picking on me?

Like others have said, she may have been concerned for you. Or maybe she misinterpreted you and thought you were tuning out, so she was trying to keep you engaged. I don't see the connection to "weakest student", though. I would approach her after class and ask to review the material again. Just because you didn't get it the first time does NOT mean you are not nurse material!

Specializes in Pediatrics.
My lab instructor was teaching us dosage calculations, and I looked overwhelmed and exhausted in class. The freaking instructor kept calling my name, and asking me if i was alright. I think she views me as the "weakest student".If I fail dosage calc, then obviously i'm not fit to be a nurse, so my failure should be the least of her concern. Why is she picking on me?

Asking you if you are ok is picking on you? Hmmm...

My lab instructor was teaching us dosage calculations, and I looked overwhelmed and exhausted in class. The freaking instructor kept calling my name, and asking me if i was alright. I think she views me as the "weakest student".If I fail dosage calc, then obviously i'm not fit to be a nurse, so my failure should be the least of her concern. Why is she picking on me?

Sounds to me like you're over reacting. She may be your instructor, but she's also a nurse. If she noticed that you didn't look like you felt well and was asking if you were is that a bad thing?

Specializes in Hospice, ONC, Tele, Med Surg, Endo/Output.

Honestly! I agree support is indicated here.

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