Anne Arundel Community College: Fall 2011 RN

U.S.A. Maryland


Just curious to see if anyone else out there has applied for the Fall 2011 RN program at AACC? Would also love to hear any information about the program from current and former AACC students...


Brie- I think that's a great idea. If you want, we could meet in the big cafeteria over in the student union around 8:00. We could grab a coffee and chat for a few minutes and then just take the foot bridge over to the Florestano building, (seems like there's more parking spaces over on that side anyway, lol). Just let me know...

I'm really excited for Monday too- Can't wait!

Ok sounds perfect. I can leave Pasadena at 7.30 ( after my daughter leads for school) then be there sobunmay be a few minutes late but I'll be there. Hope to see everyone!

Great, I'll see you then. Faith and Jessica- if you're still following this thread- would love to see you too if you want to join us!

Hey everybody,

Is anybody aware of what the grading system for the nursing program is.. Like, what is an A, a B, a C? I have been hearing from students of other schools that the grading system is a lot different. Like that an A would be a 93 or 94 and a B starting at 84 and a C starting at 77... just curious...

By the way... Brie and Kate THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for taking the 002 section for me and my group so that we could stick together. You girls are awesome! :)

Hey! I think I heard that too, I was waiting to write you back b/c I work with a girl (acually 2) that graduated this May - I believe she said that under a 73(ish) is basically failing, and that you are able to 'fail' 2 classes before you are kicked out. Remember in the info session they said that there were only 14 spots for hybrid b/c 2 ppl have to take it again. So once I get more info I will post back ...

Has anyone noticed that we have LESS.THAT.6.WEEKS left unitl we start! I am freaking out a bit, I just wrote the whole schedule out on my calender and it is a lot, I hope it flies by!

And no problem about the second session, we are all together also, so it should work out for all of us :)

Brie Akgul

Well 73 isnt that bad... But I wonder what am A is? And YES I am totally freaking out.... I did the same thing with the calendar and now I am kinda scared! Lol.. I cant believe its only 6 weeks OMG! Everything we have been working for is actually here and now only 4 more semesters to go and it is nerve wracking but kinda exciting at the same time :)

hey there, I am also in the hybrid program, going into 2nd semester. Congrats to you both for getting into the program and good luck with getting into the hybrid section if that is what you prefer! I love it and could not imagine taking classes any other way.

grades are like regular class grades but they DO NOT round up! You much get a 90.0 to get an A, an 89.9 is NOT an A! so 70-79.9 C 80-89.9 B 90-100 A. However, if you get a C on any of your tests or assignments you will get a "plan for sucess" and need to meet with a professor to go over why you got that grade. Never had one, but the professors drilled that to all of us over the semester! If you really really study and focus though you will do great! Most everyone would usually get B's and A's on the exams! They are not difficult if you take the time to study EVERYDAY!

The trick with this program is that you need to study and go over the information at least for a little bit each day!! And find a study group as soon as possible!!! It is essential and really helped me through the semester. It helps to have others help you with material that may be easy for them to understand but difficult for you. Also there is usually always someone in the group that has a good way to remember key facts that you might not think of! In my study group we met once a week for about 3 hours (i know it seems like a lot, but its worth the As we all got on the tests!) each of us would take a section/topic on the test and prepare key notes and 10 NCLEX style questions for everyone in the group. You sorta become an expert on your topic and then use the guides from the others in the group to study the important information! The nurse mentor told us to do this and it worked like a charm and then you do not feel as overwhelmed with so much info all by yourself!!

Also, focus on the powerpoints, then go to the book for clarification and detail on something you may not understand or need more explination on. They pull test questions directly from the powerpoints!! And first semester they provide you with study guides for all the tests- so you have an idea of what to study! For NUR121 if you answer all the questions on the study guide you will get and A on the test!!! They also have study sessions with the professors before each exam that I found very helpful! This is the only semester they do this so take advantage of it!! The more you know what to study the easy studying will be!

Also- they provide you with outcome/objectives for each lecture- answer the questions!!! Again if you can answer these questons and take notes on them you will do well on the tests! It's a lot of work on your own but worth it and then you REALLY KNOW the info and are not just trying to memorize it!

If you can start reading up on some of the chapter summaries now in the fundamentals book it will be helpful for you!

I am sure that both of you will do great! Good luck to you! If you have any other questions let me know!

Hey! I think I heard that too, I was waiting to write you back b/c I work with a girl (acually 2) that graduated this May - I believe she said that under a 73(ish) is basically failing, and that you are able to 'fail' 2 classes before you are kicked out. Remember in the info session they said that there were only 14 spots for hybrid b/c 2 ppl have to take it again. So once I get more info I will post back ...

Has anyone noticed that we have LESS.THAT.6.WEEKS left unitl we start! I am freaking out a bit, I just wrote the whole schedule out on my calender and it is a lot, I hope it flies by!

And no problem about the second session, we are all together also, so it should work out for all of us :)

Brie Akgul

You got the schedule already? The one I picked up at the meeting was just a draft? I was trying to figure out what my schedule will be so I can make arrangements for my kids. Let me know what you know. :-) Thanks!

Ok I have another question. My friend is in the Howard Co. Community College nursing program. After their first semester, they are able to get their CNA license. Does anyone know if that is the same for AACC? I would love to know if this is an option. Thanks!

Hi everyone- haven't been on for a while and thought I'd check in. I'm glad I did, because it looks like some really good info has gone up in past few posts!

Speaking of which, I just want to say thanks to the returning students who are taking time out of your busy schedule to post all of this information. It's super helpful!

So, quick question for second semester students; I'm reading Taylor's "Fundamentals of Nursing" and am wondering if there is/are specific section(s) I should be focusing on? There's no way I'm going to make it all the way through this behemoth in the next six weeks, lol.

And for my fellow first-semester peeps; would any of you be interested in getting together sometime before the semester starts so we can get to know each other a little better before we take on this crazy adventure? Maybe meet up for dinner and drinks?



I would like to get together too. Which section did you end up getting? I am in 001.

To all the returning students, what books would you recommend reading to get a head start? I know Kate already mentioned that she was reading ahead.



Ok I have another question. My friend is in the Howard Co. Community College nursing program. After their first semester, they are able to get their CNA license. Does anyone know if that is the same for AACC? I would love to know if this is an option. Thanks!

I just wanted to let anyone else who was wondering about the CNA license. I did some more checking today and found a link with all the info.

After you have completed NUR 120, 121, and 122 you may apply for your CNA license.

Just thought I would share.


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