And You Think YOUR Job Stinks.......


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Whenever you have an "I Hate My Job" day, try this:

On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson.

Be sure to buy only this brand. When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains, and shut off the phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into very comfortable clothing and sidt in your favorite chair, open the package and remove the thermometer.

Now, carefully place it on a surface so that it will not be chipped or broken. Now the fun part begins. Take out the literature and read it carefully. Your will notice that in small print there is a statement:

"Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested."

Now, close you eyes and repeat aloud five times, "I am so glad I do not work in thermometer quality control at Johnson & Johnson".

Have a nice day........and remember, THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE WITH A JOB WORSE THAN YOURS.


Specializes in Long Term Care.

A friend of mine said that he had a job once where he had to "do do dive" in sewers to unclog drians and stuff. I still am not sure if I believe him or not but he swears that he did.

He says that after the came up the would be put in a vat of perioxide or something like that (that is the reason I didn't believe him) But could you imagine a job like that

HMPH and I thought my job stunk. :barf01: :redlight:

My DH & I are renovating the house I grew up in. My father died aobut two years ago and was married to a crazy person (hoarding disorder and generally evil).

So as we're doing these obvious repairs on a 30+ year old house, the smell is indescribable. Bad. Dead rodents in walls rotting away bad.

The roof guy said to replace the insulation in the house as the first step in thoroughly cleaning it. Wall insulation -- the stuff stapled on, no problem. Attic insulation, not so sure about two 40 year olds crawling around scooping this stuff up. I told my husband this sounds like a great job to 'sub out'. We did. In two days, two unfortunate, hardworking, good guys took out all this nasty, smelly, rodent-poop infested insulation, handful by stinking handful. Then made upteen million trips with trash bags full of yucky insulation. Then sprayed the place down with bleach water to santize it, and put in about 8 times more insulation than was in previously.

And never complained once.

The house is coming along. It smells a heck of alot better and now we're into the fun stuff, kitchen remodeling, painting, floors, electrical and plumbing work. Woo hoo.

"Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested."


Is this for real?


19 Days to graduation.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Is this for real?


19 Days to graduation.

Well, way back in the day, when they still made mercury thermometers, I remember seeing words to that effect on the package insert. :chuckle

My dh used to work as a 'sanitation technician', which has got to be one of THE most odoriferous jobs on earth. He was making somewhere around $8 an hour swamping out portable toilets, which was great money 20-odd years ago, but he just couldn't stomach the stench and the unbelieveable array of things he found in them sometimes (once it was a dead cat, another time it was a twelve-inch, um, "personal massager"). YUCK. :stone

Is this for real?


19 Days to graduation.

They probably mean that it is tested, but not necessarily up their own rectum. Like, testing to see if it works.

Specializes in Nursing Assistant/ Army Medic, LVN.

How about this job??

:D :no: :barf01:

Specializes in Medical.

I hate 72 hour fecal fat collections. The worst time was on a guy who'd had all but a couple of metres of bowel resected - a piece of sushi came ou of his stoma with the bite marks untouched. More like a 72-hour vomit collection! I came so close to adding to the collection myself...

But every time I've felt sorry for myself I think "at least I'm not the one who has to analyse it." :barf02: :barf02: :barf02:

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
They probably mean that it is tested, but not necessarily up their own rectum. Like, testing to see if it works.

Awwwwww, dang...........somebody always has to take the FUN out of things. :o

My step dad worked in the forest service when he was younger and had to go around and clean out all the port-o-potties. Ew. I also knew someone that worked at the zoo for a summer cleaning out the have worked in a few restaurants and have had the privilege to scrub pee out of the sink in the girls bathroom (the guy was drunk), clean up vomit, unclog numerous toilets c diarrhea in them, and clean up the table after a lady changed her kids diaper right there on the table and left the dirty diaper for me (and NO TIP!!!!) grr. :uhoh21: :chuckle :p I think that I've lucked out because I hate port-o-potties....


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