Anatomy and Chem this Fall...who else?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone else taking Chem and Anatomy together this fall? I'm ready to hammer the science pre-req's out this year, so I'll only be taking those two classes and then then just Physiology and Micro in the Spring.

Any study plans or tips?


Monkeykiss if you do not mind me asking are you taking them chem at Elac?

Specializes in Trauma & Emergency.

Also have A&P I and Chem in the fall and Micro and A&P II in the spring..we'll be okay.

I'm taking that combo next semester (A&PI and Chemistry) that is if I don't decide to not refresh myself on BIO before diving head on into A&PI. Let me know how you do!

So, we're taking the same load. I'm retaking Anatomy and chemistry. Let me know if you need need help with chem. I took Anatomy 10 years ago, so they want me to retake. Like I told you in the e-mail. I'm not taking bio again.

lol. Yep. Actually, if I drop BIO, I'll be taking A&PI with Statistics and Developmental Psych. I won't be taking chemistry til next Spring. A lot of people have said A&PI & chemistry make a good pair. I can feel the indecisiveness in the pit of my stomach. Pointers for chemistry if you have them! :)

Wow! Sounds like we all have a crazy busy fall coming up!!! :D

I've already taken A & P 1, but I'm taking Chem this fall ALONG WITH STARTING NURSING SCHOOL! ((ugh)) lol I've pretty much already decided I will have NO LIFE for the next couple years but it will be 100% worth while. :yeah:

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