Ambulatory resident with dementia who spits all the time

Specialties Geriatric


In LT facility, we have a very ambulatory resident who spits constantly--infection risk-- and housekeeping is going nuts. Have ruled out respiratory illness. Have tried scopolomine patch. Any suggestions?

Specializes in ED, ICU, Heme/Onc.

for his secretions, but then you run the risk of getting the entire cup thrown!

I guess a 1:1 would be out of the question?? (I know, I live in a fantasy world although my location says otherwise....)


medicate and redirect..dementia behaviors are unique to that crowd. Most of these people would not want to be remembered for spitting on walls when they are gone from us. Educating families is important. Do they want dad happy or do they want dad angry and spitting and hitting?

What meds are you finding are effective with this? As far as educating the families...most of them are very aware of this behavior when they visit...they see it.

Yes, I agree with "CrunchRN" Psych meds. I am assuming the patient is probably on some type right now, you may need to suggest to the physician a different one until this behavior is under some kind of control. It may not stop completely but it can be less frequent. Also it may take a while for the meds to show improvement. I know that some physicians may not be too receptive to your suggestion but you should try. As far as the mask goes, as with the other posts I don't think that would ever work. He will probably just take it off. Is he easily distracted ? You can try to give him something that can keep him busy at least in spurts. Sounds like extreme anxiety along with the dementia. I have seen patients do well with antipsychotic drugs who exhibit these types of behaviors. Maybe some of theses suggestions can help. Good Luck

We have a resident who does the same thing.....MRSA positive....we have tried everything....meds, behavior we placed him at his own table for meals, and clean his area after he has been there...also have enhanced cleaning of the floor he is on.....public health could not help with any other far this has worked...we have no further MRSA pos sometimes you just have to do the best you can with what you have.....and smile.....

Behavior Modification. SSD to work with him.

What to you think about having the patient wear a face mask?

It would probably be a restraint!!

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