Am I making the right decision? Please help!!


I could really use some opinions/advise from people who understand the extremities of NS.

Okay, so basically I was going to this school where I am basically guaranteed a spot in the nursing program. Problem is this is a private, very expensive school that is 30-45 minutes away. Luckily, I have $20,200 in scholarship money at that school. However, I would still need to take out $10,000 a year in loans to cover child care and commuting expense. Another good note, this is a BSN program from a really nursing program. Also, I am an army wife. My husband is choosing to try out for special forces and, basically, continue to try out until he is selected. This means the rest of us are just waiting in the unknown because, if selected, we will move probably within 6 months of him being selected... lovely right?

Another consideration, I have two children. A 5 year old and a 2 year old. My son does not do very well in daycare. Last school year, I put him in full time while I went to the school mentioned above. I absolutely loved that school but felt extremely selfish bc maintaining a house, school, and two children (DH was deployed) almost drove me crazy. I cannot work because there would be no one to watch the kiddos in the evenings or on weekends.

After struggling with what to do, I decided to go to school half time to get remaining prereqs done and really hit NS when my youngest starts school. However, who knows where we will be living and what kind of NS is around there.

So, what I am looking to be answered is: Do you guys think I am making the right decision by waiting to go to NS until my son is in school, turning down said scholarships? Or, do you think I should just go ahead and put him in daycare and deal with the craziness for the next three years and pray we do not move...

I am at a major loss of what to do and I am to the point where I just cannot stop crying and I can't make a decision. No matter what I try to decide, it feels like it is not the right choice.

Thank you to who ever takes the time to read this and respond. I really appreciate any and all opinions.

Also, I forgot to mention that when I go part time it will be at a comunity college and I will lose all scholarships to the BSN program.

I don't really have an any answers for you. That's a tough spot to be in. You just have to pick the route that you think is the right one and then give it all you've got to make it work. Whatever you decide, don't think of yourself as selfish. If you go to school and things are crazy it's because you are working with all your might to make a better life for yourself and your family. Even if you don't have to have the money a profession that you are proud of benefits you all. You are showing your children how to set goals and work toward them moving beyond obstacles.

Good Luck!

Stick with your BSN program. The military offers separation pay. It may be worth looking into in order to finish school. Also, if your husband is an officer, you may make just enough to look into a nanny which would eliminate a lot of your daycare issues. Just a few thoughts.

Stick with your BSN program. The military offers separation pay. It may be worth looking into in order to finish school. Also, if your husband is an officer, you may make just enough to look into a nanny which would eliminate a lot of your daycare issues. Just a few thoughts.

Unfortunately, my husband is lower enlisted which means we can buy food and pay for gas. I will need to take loans out for childcare. Also, the separation pay is for when the military separates you. That is not the case. :( I think I am going to stay with the BSN program. I just pray that we don't move in the next 3 years.

I don't really have an any answers for you. That's a tough spot to be in. You just have to pick the route that you think is the right one and then give it all you've got to make it work. Whatever you decide, don't think of yourself as selfish. If you go to school and things are crazy it's because you are working with all your might to make a better life for yourself and your family. Even if you don't have to have the money a profession that you are proud of benefits you all. You are showing your children how to set goals and work toward them moving beyond obstacles.

Good Luck!

Thank you! It is hard not to feel bad when I leave my little guy. I wish I could just talk to my future self lol

If you do end up having to move, sometimes schools will make exceptions for transferring into their programs for military spouses. Try looking into an in home day care. They tend to be cheaper, and a little more flexible. The women (normally women) tend to be more like a grandma to them, so they may end up spoiled LOL, but it's a trade off. :D

Keep us posted.

I have just two quick comments. First, for profit, private school with sometimes offer "scholarships" to their program to get students to attend. I am not saying anything disparaging about your abilities or that you haven't earned it... this is how they operate, otherwise people could not afford their schools. I do not know anything about your particular program, this is just a statement from my own personal experience.

Secondly, I believe that when it comes down to you or your husband, only one of you can chase a major dream at time. How you would feel if you put your son in day care, got through your first semester and then had to move???!?? I know life is ALWAYS a risk, but to me... it sounds like your family might need you a little more right now. Once they are in school, and your husband gets his promotion, you can also relieve yourself of some of this guilt that all college student mommies carry.

Hang in there! You aren't giving up on a dream... you are just postponing it!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

You are in a tough spot. My advice would be to maybe just wait until he starts school. It is a tremendous amount of time and dedication in school and then what if your husband gets his placement and you move? Then its all for nothing. If you are just patient, which is not easy I know, then school will be easier sinc your kids will be in school hopefully you'll be in a secure place where you know you're not gonna have to move. Its hard but it may be better.

Can you talk to the program and see if they have some online or leave of absence options if you do have to move? Could the credits potentially transfer elsewhere?

I have just two quick comments. First, for profit, private school with sometimes offer "scholarships" to their program to get students to attend. I am not saying anything disparaging about your abilities or that you haven't earned it... this is how they operate, otherwise people could not afford their schools. I do not know anything about your particular program, this is just a statement from my own personal experience.

Secondly, I believe that when it comes down to you or your husband, only one of you can chase a major dream at time. How you would feel if you put your son in day care, got through your first semester and then had to move???!?? I know life is ALWAYS a risk, but to me... it sounds like your family might need you a little more right now. Once they are in school, and your husband gets his promotion, you can also relieve yourself of some of this guilt that all college student mommies carry.

Hang in there! You aren't giving up on a dream... you are just postponing it!

Thank you, I am still going back and forth but I do think my family might still need me more. Also, this is a not for profit, private school. I received that amount of scholarship partially bc of my 4.0 GPA and bc I was in the right place at the right time.

Can you talk to the program and see if they have some online or leave of absence options if you do have to move? Could the credits potentially transfer elsewhere?

I wish they offered online courses! They are finally starting to offer a few online psych classes but this school is incredibly "traditional." They aren't very flexible for non traditional students. :(

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