Alvin community college Adn spring 2019

U.S.A. Texas


Who is considering Alvin community college for the spring semester, I wanted Lonestar, I took the Hesi yesterday, I had over 80 in all the sections except for A and P where I had 68, so now I'm looking at Alvin and College of the mainland. Any ideas?

Alvin is the best!

I am. I've applied to ACC, San Jac, Lone Star, and UT Health.

I just submitted my application to Alvin today. I have been accepted at College of the Mainland, so if don't get into Alvin, I'll go there. Apparently, Alvin is VERY competitive. I've heard they get over 300 applicants and accept around 40?? Anyone know if that's true?

I just submitted my application to Alvin today. I have been accepted at College of the Mainland, so if don't get into Alvin, I'll go there. Apparently, Alvin is VERY competitive. I've heard they get over 300 applicants and accept around 40?? Anyone know if that's true?

Yes, that's true. I believe my class (began January 2016) had over 400 applicants and we started with 36 students. Don't give up, though!!

Thank you for the info! If you don't mind me asking, what is a normal week like? How many days/hours in classroom and how many days/hours in clinical? I think I read that ACC breaks for summer - what do you do during that time?

Thank you for the info! If you don't mind me asking, what is a normal week like? How many days/hours in classroom and how many days/hours in clinical? I think I read that ACC breaks for summer - what do you do during that time?

The first semester was class Monday-Thursday. Class usually started at 0830 and varied for how long the days were. Clinical was four days in the last month of the semester at a long-term care facility.

The rest of the semesters were class Monday and Wednesdays, with a hospital clinical on any of the other days, depending on your facility and clinical group. There were also occasional simulation days mixed in, which were detailed in the syllabus.

ACC does break for the summer. That's the best time to mentally recover! Several of my classmates took the CNA exam after our first semester and worked in the hospitals as techs. I pre-studied for NCLEX on the second summer break.

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This is really helpful information. It seems like it's really difficult to find any information about class schedules for any school. You're awesome! :)

I'm not sure if everyone is comfortable leaving their stats for everyone to see, but I'll go ahead and leave mine since I've been scoping around other forums and have seen it here and there. However, to appeal to those with a mutual curiosity, here are mine (and to be frank, I have no idea how my stats stack up):

-English: D, retake is a B

-A&P1: A

-Psych: A

-Lifespan: A

-Microbiology: A

-A&P2: in progress

-HESI: set to take it on the 27th, a day before the nursing application due date

So, my main concerns are that the D and B I received in English along with the in progress status of A&P2 will both dramatically affect my points. I recall from the meeting that both grades concerning a retake are used in the calculation of points (correct me if I'm wrong), so that is bothersome. Regarding the HESI, I have been studying for quite a while but not as qualitatively as I should be. I am kind of nervous, but the general consensus seems to be that it isn't as difficult as it seems. From speaking to people within the program, it isn't all that rare to be accepted with ~85, despite the average acceptance score hovering ~90. I just hope that goes well and the A's in my science courses help out. This will be the only college I plan on applying to for the time being, since I basically live down the road. I hope to hear from other hopeful applicants, let me know how you all feel and let's hope everything works out in our favor (:

I don't mind posting my stats:

AP1: A

AP2: A


Lifespan: A

Psych: B (Grade from class taken in 1996)

Comp1:B (Grade from class taken in 1996)

Hesi: 95.2

Previous Bachelors Degree in health-related field and I've been working in Clinical Trials for 17 years - obviously, I'm older, in my 40's.

I've been accepted to COM and have applied at ACC. I was going to also apply for SJC, but decided since I've been accepted to COM that I won't bother, plus SJC seems like a really convoluted process that I don't want to deal with unless I have to ;)

I found the Hesi to be REALLY difficult! I almost cried when I got in my car lol So I was SUPER SHOCKED when I got my grade. I just used the study guide and the app to prepare.

You probably could have gotten into COM. I don't know why, but they don't require the Hesi. I am nervous about my B's for Psych and Comp1 in regards to getting into ACC. I'm hoping that my science A's, Hesi score, and previous degree and work background are enough. I know ACC is very competitive.

Your stats are excellent, and I am fairly confident your chances at ACC are high. Your grades are are great on their own and your HESI score provides a good amount of leverage for your application. I wish you the best.

AP1&2 - B

Micro - B

Comp 1 - B

Lifespan - A

Psych - A

Creative Arts - A

HESI - 86.6

I have a previous bachelor's degree as well.

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