All Work and No Play Make Me a Dull Girl...


I am feeling loopy due to studying so much. How much coffee can a human drink? Let's find out!!! :eek:

LOL, I love coffee. I read somewhere once that 60 cups of coffee could be lethal.

Interestingly, to tie it back to A&P, they suggested that it would most likely be water intoxication that might be the most dangerous thing in drinking 60 cups of coffee in one day. Remember red blood cells swelling and bursting?

I'm on Spring Break now and I just started studying again today. Took a much needed break for a few days from studying. But its funny that it felt weird not to study on those days.

Specializes in ICU.

Mmmmm ccooffee...what are you studying for MJ?

I have to give a physiology presentation tomorrow morning - then - Spring Break!!! Not that it's much of a break for those of us with full-time jobs and mostly online classes, but meh. I'm going to pretend anyway. I think I'll have to have a few drinky drinks one night next week just for fun, for old time's sake. ;)

Mangopeach, just a few days? Sad...

I feel ya... I am on spring break this week but still studying. I want to get ahead if I can, I feel guilty if I don't. However my birthday is Thursday and I am celebrating Friday after work Yeahhh! I have been studying all day, just quit about an hour ago and enjoying a little grey goose right now.Friday's are usually my evening, when I come home from work and vegetate in front of the TV. My house is quiet as a mouse all weekend. All you can hear is the pages turning and my fingers on the keyboard. I resurface on Monday to go to work, school, home and study. It's a drag.... but it will be worth in in the end

Specializes in ICU.

Oh, enjoy rholman! Hope your birthday celebration is awesome! We all need to let loose and have a little fun in the midst of pre-req/application purgatory. ;)

lol I really didn't think this post would generate any replies, I was just going nuts over here. I was on Sprinig Break last week and I forgot what day it was because I wasn't going to class lol. I work full time, but it was still so weird! I ended up studying instead of relaxing, too... But definitely not studying like I would on a regular week. I am taking the TEAS this Friday and I have an Ethics test on Thursday evening... Then I have my A&P lab practical next Wednesday. The studying never ends.

As for the coffee bursting my bladdar, I had to take it down a notch because I was reading the same sentences over and over again and being generally weird. I ended up just watching TV last night because I was making such silly mistakes (like searching frantically for the pencil that was in my hand). My boyfriend physically took the books out of my hands and was like "Okay, let's take a break for a bit..." :lol2:

Last, but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHOLMAN! :hbsmiley: That is the best excuse to celebrate ;)

Thank you MJ and Juliaann, I can't wait to celebrate. It feels funny leaving for work inthe mornng and not carry my heavy bookbag.

Specializes in ICU.

Oh, I can't wait for that feeling rholman! I don't have a car myself, so I get dropped off at campus at 7a with everything I need for the whole day...I study, eat breakfast, go to class, study, eat lunch, study, walk to work (I work 3p-11p every day), study some when it's slow at work, and then someone picks me up from work at 11pm. And then it starts over! I'm so excited that next week, I only have to be at work by 3, and I don't have to lug my books and 3 meals all over creation with me! I'll still take supper, and probably my physiology book in case it's slow at'll be a nice break. And I'll get to sleep in!!!!!!

Wow MJ, that's definitely time to back off the caffeine (I never thought I'd say that). Good job, Boyfriend. ;)

Oh, I can't wait for that feeling rholman! I don't have a car myself, so I get dropped off at campus at 7a with everything I need for the whole day...I study, eat breakfast, go to class, study, eat lunch, study, walk to work (I work 3p-11p every day), study some when it's slow at work, and then someone picks me up from work at 11pm. And then it starts over! I'm so excited that next week, I only have to be at work by 3, and I don't have to lug my books and 3 meals all over creation with me! I'll still take supper, and probably my physiology book in case it's slow at'll be a nice break. And I'll get to sleep in!!!!!!

Wow MJ, that's definitely time to back off the caffeine (I never thought I'd say that). Good job, Boyfriend. ;)

Wow.. I thought I had a long day! As far as the coffee goes, I have about 3 cups a day, 2 in the morning and 1 latter in the afternoon. Honestly i can't drink coffee before I study because i feel too hyper and can't focus or concentrate on the material.

Specializes in ICU.

Haha, I love coffee. I usually have 1 large travel mug in the morning, and then 2 or 3 more when I get to work at 3pm - that will last me until 11p, but doesn't keep me awake when I'm trying to get my precious few hours of sleep. I've never really felt jittery from coffee...but I almost always eat something and drink a big glass of water after a cup of coffee. I bet if I didn't do that the caffeine would get to me more - but I don't want to end up like MJ looking for the pencil I'm holding, haha! :D

I know! Bonkers, seriously. I will be so happy when I'm in nursing school and I don't have to be overly anxious about getting IN. I'll just be normal anxious about surviving ;)

Specializes in ICU.

Haha, and you'll be just as dependent on coffee as ever. :D

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