All CRNA Schools website promoting AAs

Specialties CRNA


I noticed that the All CRNA Schools website has a page about AAs. I don't believe it paints an accurate picture of the AA profession. And if the site is about All CRNA Schools, why have they added AAs? In my opinion it lowers the credibility of the site. thoughts?

Specializes in CRNA.

It's an interesting argument that since anesthesia is so safe, that we (CRNAs) should promote the independance of AAs. Anesthesia is safe, but people are hurt by poor practice (Joan Rivers). AAs are not PAs, just ask a PA and see what kind of answer you get. But that's beside the point. The point is that All CRNA Schools is using the interest in nurse anesthesia to promote Anesthesiologist Assistants. Obviously the individuals behind the site are very poorly informed about the nurse anesthesia profession. Since they are so poorly informed about the profession, I would not give any validity to the site. If you want to find the most accurate information about CRNA programs for free, go to: CRNA School Search

Pushing propofol aint no gods work...

i say we support our aas and advocate for independent practice for them as well.

This lacks any indicator of insight into the anesthesia world at all.

Would that it was as simple as "pushing propofol".

As to the second line, the vast majority of AA's would recoil in horror at the thought, as any broad attempt of AAs and their 'advocates' for independent practice would be the end of their profession as they know it.

But feel free to give them a hand.

I don't mean to be rude or naive, but why is this a bad thing? AA's are essentially PA's. Shouldn't we be supporting them and their aims for independent practice as well? Why are you saying they are under trained and dangerous? Anesthesia is so safe now it's really hard to kill a patient. the length of CRNA training is only a bit longer than AA training.

I don't think it is fair for our profession to be doing to the AA's what the MD's do to us.

What do you mean "our profession"? You aren't a CRNA which is abundantly evident from a cursory check of some of the other absurd posts that you have made and threads you've started.

That said, I believe that it IS your intent to be " rude or naive".

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