AL vs. LTC

Specialties Geriatric


Good Morning All,

My title kind of says it all. I'm an old LPN almost 26 years and pretty well rounded.

After a 2.5 year break after leaving a case management position at a cancer center I

recently accepted a position at a very upscale new AL facility.

My position is to assist the CENA's/PCT's (they use both) as needed, do the scheduling and be on call 24/7. They (management/marketing) working hard at filling these beds and the pressure is on the marketer to do this and get the facility in the black.

My concerns; the woman that was doing my job before me was canned the day after I arrived (not a good sign). She is not a nurse but despite being overwhelmed was attempting to do for this owner/company.

I feel there are some very inappropriate residents which leads to what I am asking. We have a resident couple, seperate rooms-they are both HUGE fall risks and do so ever day almost. One the woman has severe dementia and wanders/trips/falls/becomes combative at times.

The other, completely non compliant, will not ask for assist with transfer is a two person assist/total care for adl's, etc..Family has a nanny cam in the room. This man has a tool box in his room as he used to be a tradesman-I get that but the CENA alerted me to the fact that he had a large new claw hammer on the table in his room. Fearing for her, the residents wife, or another residents safety..Do I even have to say how uncomfortable this makes me?

I phoned the daughter, told her I found it and put it locked in my desk drawer until she could retrieve it and take it home. She was VERY angry and said he had every right to keep this in his HOME and I was to return it. I pointed out all the safety risks to her-"What if he fell on it?, or hit someone with it when upset, etc?" She was not having it.

I returned it to his room, notified the CENAS and left a letter for the owner of this AL I about what happened and I wanted to speak with her today. My birthday -Happy Birthday to me!! LOL..

What I am asking is, is my spidey sense right? This seems absolutely ridiculous, dangerous and a huge catastrophe waiting to happen and impact my license. BTW, it is a private pay non-licensed AL, with a separate NON licensed care company (that I am supposed to supervising/running) doing the care giving. These are total care patients-not what I would consider AL, but skilled.

There are a few more inappropriate ones but this is the biggy that may have me turning in my resignation today. Thoughts? Input?

I feel like there is no protection for me here and when things go down it will get bad. The Cena's are fantastic but they are overworked, underpaid, no benefits and will move along if this will be their typical resident. Also the owner has declined to pay my malpractice because she says it's a non risk for me because everything is unlicensed.

I apologize for the length of this post. This is my first and perhaps my last AL position. It is entirely different than what it was/is portrayed to be.

I appreciate any insight, advice, thoughts.


Ms. P

Specializes in retired LTC.

Sad part is that only those with MONEY can afford most of the AL facilities. And we all know that MONEY talks. So it's the reason that administration falls over backwards to keep the residents and FAMILIES happy-campers (and keep the census up).

Too bad also that rules & regs for AL have NOT kept pace with the true state of the industry.

I asked about the sales advertising. Waaaay back in the distant cobwebs of my brain, I vaguely remember something that if "NURSING" is advertised as a provided service, I think there's supposed to be some type of inspection. Not necessarily for the purpose of 'facility licensing' but for monitoring the staff who provide the 'nursing' care..

You comment that there's a staffing company associated has me suspicious. People go to staffing agencies all the time for home care assistance, like cleaning, laundry, cooking, house-stuff. And yes, your AL is their 'home'. But are the CENAs hired to do private 1:1 assist or are they providing assist for multiples? And how close to real nurse responsibilities are they assuming? Here's the tricky area, I guess.

I have a feeling there's some fancy manipulation of staff with fancy job descriptions and fancy scheduling so that they function just under the radar of being legit to avoid regulations. And the fact that your predecessor was a non-nurse makes me more suspicious. A 'licensed' nurse must 'supervise' any ancillary staff who provide 'nursing' care. Does you ex-administrator have any credentials, like LNHA (Licensed Nursing Home Admin)? Any license like that is also answerable to your state's appropriate licensing Board.

I think they're slick. And you're better off being out of there. I don't know how you might take this further if you realllly think they're up to shenanigans. On one hand, they might really be within the law as I'm sure they have their legal eagles to back them up.

I'm going to keep this short and to the point: RUN, RUN VERY FAST, and don't EVER look back! That place is a lawsuit waiting to happen...

I had a job in AL and I left with no prior notice. They didn't care about me so I didn't give too much recognition back. I had another job in line though.

Specializes in med-surg,sa,breast & cervical ca.

You comment that there's a staffing company associated has me suspicious. People go to staffing agencies all the time for home care assistance, like cleaning, laundry, cooking, house-stuff. And yes, your AL is their 'home'. But are the CENAs hired to do private 1:1 assist or are they providing assist for multiples? And how close to real nurse responsibilities are they assuming? Here's the tricky area, I guess.

Yup. You pretty much nailed it. Slick is right.

I'm sure they are within the law as the owners are lawyers. Also the laws a pretty vague in my state.

The care giving company was also non licensed providing home type care as you mentioned. However really it was what I would assess to be skilled. I mean their were residents with stage 2-3 pressure ulcer. They did have skilled nursing coming in privately 3 x's a week but this person was a skilled care. I've been told they have since moved to a skilled nursing facility-Thank goodness.

Specializes in med-surg,sa,breast & cervical ca.

Well, I didn't have one lined up, but it still was too risky to stay.

I'm an artist in my spare (Ha Ha) time so I have things to do to keep busy, though I would like a nice low key nursing job a few days a week.

I thought AL would be that but I was very mistaken obviously.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

They lost me at on call 24/7, and it allllll went downhill from there. Usain Bolt yourself away from that place, and don't look back. Except maybe to call your ombudsman about some vulnerable adults in unsafe living conditions. :whistling:

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