Published Feb 5, 2013
26 Posts
I'm will call tomorrow and ask the few questions I have to my admission advisor at EC, are there any specific questions I should ask from those of you that have done this before? I'm afraid to take the plung!!! Help!!!
268 Posts
What exactly is scaring you? You can take a test or two before paying the enrollment fee if you think you may have trouble with the self-discipline part or the exam structure.
77 Posts
Yeah, me TOO. I don't understand some of this. What is the COLLEGE Network, THEN Excelsior? Why can't you do just one, or can you. Are there any Cons to taking online course v/s at local college besides the fact that you'll do it all but clinical online (which wouldn't you do most of that online anyway. I don't know, just alot of qx's, and don't know where to get answers.
NotMyProblem MSN, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN
2,690 Posts
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I compiled a lot of info here:
Might be worth a read-through! Good luck, whatever you decide.
Ok, so I'm partial because I graduated from EC 3 years ago! I hate school, I hate reading, and some days, I actually hate nursing! But I loved my experience with Excelsior College! I met some WONDERFUL folks, classmates, through this college who I would have never met in this lifetime otherwise. I say met, but I've actually laid eyes on 3 of them. But i feel like they've lived right next door for years! We developed BFF-type bonds online. It was amazing! Others, I was able to put a face with a name during the CPNE.
Excelsior allowed me to study when I wanted, where I wanted, and take exams when I wanted. I imposed my own deadlines, set my own schedules, and goofed off when I wanted and for however long I wanted. I can honestly say " I did it my way!" (Who sang that song anyway?) LOL! The only thing anyone should fear is not Excelsior, not the CPNE, not the NCLEX.....but the STATE BOARDS of NURSES. They are the only ones causing all the grief and seconding-guessing. I had to fight here in Georgia after i graduated but EC forewarned us BEFORE they accepted one penny of the application fee; and the fight continues. I met the requirements of the board and hence, became an Rn 10 months after I enrolled with EC. Relax about EC; put your guard up with your Board of Nurses when it comes to ANY online program!
That's just my opinion......Taking a bow now and hopping off the soap box. Lol!
Thank you all for the wonderful words and insight to EC! It has helped more than you know!!
5 Posts
I took the plunge to excelsior for the paramedic/rn crossover. Excelsior is a waste of money IMO. The learning concept is just ridiculous. You are just supposed to read the entire text book and then go take a test over that course. It was really not a good way for me to study. There were no due dates and nothing to keep me on track. My track coach just sent me automated responses when I tried to email her. I ended up leaving the college and going back to my community college which is a lot cheaper and I can do a paramedic/rn 1 year program there. I know a slight few that have graduated from the program but a lot more that have left the program. I honestly do not think it is worth the money they charge.
Medic2BE/RN, you illustrated a huge obstacle for a lot of people -- this program requires a crazy amount of motivation. That's not to say you're not a motivated person, but you're right -- no deadlines can be a real dealbreaker for some. That is why I scheduled my exams, then studied up to that "deadline" to create timelines for myself. It worked. Not sure what a "track coach" is, did you go through some third-party program outside of Excelsior?
Either way, I'm glad you found a way to further your education. I looked for local paramedic-to-RN programs when I was starting my nursing education, and came up empty-handed. EC was a great solution for me, but as you know, it isn't for everyone!
475 Posts
I signed up for EC back in '08 or '09 and felt the same waay.. I bought all the recommended textbooks for the first class I wanted to take which was Developmental Psychology. Tried going through the content guide and studying but just could NOT get it. I felt like "how do they expect me to do this, study with no kind of guidance??!" Needless to say I dropped out, but came back 3 years later with a new outlook. I live in ny and there are no 'in person' paramedic to rn programs and I knew I wanted to try excelsior again but with a different game plan. SO I signed up, researched different forums online, and found allnurses! It's been SUCH a great help in that I actually developed so many great study habits from tips and motivation from this site alone! I quickly learned though, that hand holding (for lack of better words) is NOT online school is about, it's a self motivated program. YOU have to psych yourself up and give self pep talks when you don't feel like studying. YOU have to set your own deadlines and guidelines.. Imo I end up with higher self-esteem because I didn't realize or think that I could do such a rigorous program alone and I AM doing it, by the grace of God !
As for the price, ah it ain't that bad! lol.
23 Posts
I am afraid too!! I have so many questions about the passing rates and the clinicals are my biggest fear!! My sister recently graduated from excelsior and she tells me to go to school..but I am tired of school and all of my classes are starting to expire on me!!
127 Posts
In my opinion, if you have a lot of pre-reqs to take: take them @ your community college ! A&P, Micro, and Chemistry are so important and are oh so VERY hard online (I took all @ my community college, EC didn't accept my Micro and I had to take online ... it was VERY hard/still enjoyed my class time more and it probably helped me pass the online version).
And I'm thinking your sister is telling you to take it @ school b/c it is easier ! BUT if you want to work & be flexibe, don't like your community college & perhaps get finished faster .... then EC is an option. Don't be fooled into thinking this is easy (I"m sure your sister told you how hard the CPNE is ++)
I'm still so happy I found about EC and I think I'm getting a great education !! Good luck and continue on in your education b/c it will only open up more doors for you ~~~