afraid ...


So I get a call from our corp nurse consultant the other day stating that an aid (that was a no call/no show x2 in a row (after only 2 days of work)) had posted on a local news media FB site about the facility I work for, it was awful! it said (not exactly the words she used) 'i saw people laying in their own BM and urine and when i asked someone about it, they told me, we don't change them until bed time, and I saw break down on one resident and told the nurse in charge and she said "do I look like I care, do you see care in this face? she is dying." I am so horrified to go back!'

well the reason I'm so afraid is that the only 2 nights she worked, I was on one of those nights. I have already talked to the corp consultant RN and told her the truth, and so did my counter part and our aids. this aid never reported any break down to either one of us nurses nor did she report to my other aids. And I can't see the other 2 nurses saying this either. I'm afraid for 1) my job and 2) my license. I am a brand new nurse (got my license this summer). I'm a single mom of 2 with bills I can't afford not to work (like most of us)... what should I do?! my friend advised me to not say anything to my bosses or anything until they ask, but I'm afraid that this will make me look guilty, but i'm also afraid that if I dont' say anything i'll look guilty... torn :/ I LOVE nursing!

Most places have a "don't ever talk to the media rule" so I definitely wouldn't respond to her on fb. I think your friend is right. The less you say until you have to the better off you will be. The place you work for will know how to handle it, and if needed, you can always talk to your supervisor and let them know how you feel and they can give you advice on how to handle it yourself. Good luck!

Whatever you do, don't post a response to the aide's post on the media site. HIPAA applies to everyone, including her!I wouldn't wait to discuss what you read on the website with your supervisor. I'm assuming you did a head to toe assessment on each of your patients at the beginning of your shift. Right??? If so, you would have seen & documented any pressure sores at that time. Right??? If you did your job, then it doesn't matter what the aide posted. More than likely there will be an investigation of her claim. I would write down everything I remember on the shift you worked with her. Someone is going to ask you what you remember from that night sooner or later. At least you will have something to refer to when that time comes.Good luck to you! I hope things work out for the best!

Leave the job off Facebook, whether it's this situation or something completely unrelated. The aide was probably a disgruntled employee who has a vendetta out for the facility and is trying to get them in trouble. I'd makes notes of those two days and the charting should reflect everything also. Just let the facility handle it and if you did your job right and can back it up, then you'll be fine. For the aide to be a no-show/no-call two days in a row shows that the aide is unreliable and untrustworthy anyway, so it'll be easier to believe you over her. You should be fine.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I'm assuming you did a head to toe assessment on each of your patients at the beginning of your shift. Right??? If so, you would have seen & documented any pressure sores at that time. Right??? If you did your job, then it doesn't matter what the aide posted.
The OP works in long-term care, where residents generally do not receive daily head-to-toe assessments unless they are admitted to the facility as short-term Medicare patients.

Just imagine how time consuming it would be for one nurse to perform head-to-toe assessments on 20, 30, or even 40+ residents. In most cases, it just ain't going to happen.

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

Do a head to toe assessment on each resident? Not in LTC.

The company should have a legal department and risk management department who look into situations like this. As above, please document everything you remember about those 2 nights you worked with this seemingly mentally unstable person. Your honest testimony will be needed by the corporate legal team in order for them to defend the facility. If you were doing your job, you have nothing to worry about. Just be honest and always document, document, DOCUMENT!

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