Advice about walking outside while recovering from Covid

Nurses COVID


I finally got (mild) Covid. My symptoms began on Feb 20, and today is day 10. I never had a fever, just fatigue/aches (which have been gone for days), and an occasional cough (also virtually gone now). To feel better, I've been going outside walking, and I haven't been wearing a mask, since there's usually no one else around. Yesterday something happened that really freaked me out. Normally, no other people are out on our streets or sidewalks. But I encountered 2 people yesterday coming toward me, and because I wasn't wearing a mask, I stepped off the sidewalk and was about 6 feet or more from them as they quickly passed and we exchanged very brief greetings, which was a matter of seconds. I thought to myself, self, if that happens on your next walk, you cross the street immediately so you are nowhere near other people. So today on my walk, the sidewalk was empty, when all of a sudden a group of school kids comes tearing out of their school building, right toward me! I immediately turn and walk away from them, onto the curb of the street, my back to them, prepared to cross, but there are too many cars, so I stand there while the kids (who are about 8-10 feet behind me) run past. I know that I probably should have been wearing a mask and I'm sorry I wasn't. Should I be concerned that the people I encountered yesterday or today may get some of my germs? Thanks everyone. By the way, I am not an RN, but work in a supportive role in a facility.  

forgot to mention, if it matters, that I lost my sense of taste/smell, but that is coming back. 

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I tried looking that up a few days ago, as my recent situation is very similar to yours. Even though I tried to keep my search to credible sources I very quickly found myself in a confusing morass of recommendations.

I have no idea where I picked up the virus because I'd been in 2 airports, 2 cities and a maskless memorial service, it could've been a friend just as easily.

In your particular situation, it sounds like a low-risk you exposed anyone to Covid. I've tested negative twice 3 days apart, so I don't worry about it much now.

Bottom line, hopefully someone who has kept up with the evolving guidelines will weigh in or provide a current source for the info. Glad you are feeling better.

Thank you for your response! I found this from the World Health Organization, on walking outside when you have Covid:  "If you decide to go outside to walk or exercise, be sure to maintain at least a 1-meter distance from other people." This doesn't mention masking or not masking. Another snippet from says this: "You can still go outside to take a walk, go to the park, or walk your dog. If you need groceries, go to the store. We simply recommend that while outside you make sure to avoid crowds and maintain a distance of 6 feet from those around you."  I keep worrying that I didn't get out of the pathway of the approaching walkers fast enough, and they may have inhaled some of my germs!  The crazy thing is that I was actually HOLDING onto my mask while I walked those two days -- I could have simply put it on, and yet I did not! Both encounters (or "almost encounters") happened so fast, and my main thought was, "get out of the way!" Thank you for your good wishes and encouragement! 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Thank you for being conscientious about mitigation of COVID! 

At 10 days post mild illness you were unlikely to be shedding much virus.  

thank you, do you think this would hold true for my walk on day 9? 

On that day, an older person and little child riding FAST on a bike were approaching. I fear I may not have been six feet away as he sped past me, but I was definitely a good 6-10 feet away from the older person. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Hopefulone said:

On that day, an older person and little child riding FAST on a bike were approaching. I fear I may not have been six feet away as he sped past me, but I was definitely a good 6-10 feet away from the older person. 

I appreciate your concern.  They should be fine.  Your conscientious is appreciated. 

thank you, I so appreciate your input!

and second-guessing myself about the distance -- it all happened so fast, and my thought was, "get off the sidewalk, and walk to the far edge of that grass parkway!" Anyway, could have been less than 6 feet with the older person, but I rather think it was 6-ish feet, and that older person trucked on by me pretty quickly too! Sigh ... 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Hopefulone said:

and second-guessing myself about the distance -- it all happened so fast, and my thought was, "get off the sidewalk, and walk to the far edge of that grass parkway!" Anyway, could have been less than 6 feet with the older person, but I rather think it was 6-ish feet, and that older person trucked on by me pretty quickly too! Sigh ... 

Maybe they held their breath when they breezed past you... some of us elders are cautious. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Hopefulone said:

thank you, do you think this would hold true for my walk on day 9? 

You were OUTDOORS.  Unless you directly coughed in someone's face you can't give them Covid.  

toomuchbaloney said:

Maybe they held their breath when they breezed past you... some of us elders are cautious. 

I wanna say that I was a good 6 feet when the lady was approaching and passed me. I said to her, "I'm getting over Covid, so wanted to get out of the way" and she said something cheerful and kept on truckin'. I think the point is that there seems to be a very small chance of any of my covid germs making their way from my system to theirs. Now, if we could just do something about my anxiety :). I thank everyone who shared encouragement. 

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