Published May 26, 2015
10 Posts
I already posted this and didn't get any comments so I just wanted to try it out again:)
Hey everyone!
I just graduated with a BSN in May 2015. I'm waiting to be approved by the board of nursing, so until then I'm trying to do some hard core studying. I've read a lot of posts on here and I really appreciate everyone's helpful comments!
I bought Kaplan and I have done all the Q trainers and I'm now working on the Qbank.
I also have the PDA book.
I've been reviewing some content, but I'm not sure how in depth to go with that because I have so many books!
So, if anyone has anything else they would recommend I do to pass the NCLEX the first time I would greatly appreciate it!!!
scaredsilly, BSN, RN
1,161 Posts
There is no one size fits all! I used Saunders for content and did Kaplan and passed first time. Others find other books more helpful. Figure out your weaknesses and then dive in to strengthen those.
SOrry, this is probably not the kind of answer you wanted, but what works for nurse A, is not necessarily going to work for nurse B. The best advise you will get is to tailor make a study plan to fit your individual needs.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
What questions do you need to focus on?
When I studied for the NCLEX; if I wasn't answering a certain category correctly, I would focus on those particular questions after reviewing the rationales; if I didn't understand the rationales, I would go back and use a source to study from. I never written down the rationales to questions that I wasn't getting, I reviewed it, then went to questions that focused on that particular category, meaning these 4:
1. Safe, effective care;
2. Health Promotion;
3. Physiological Integrity;
4.Psychosocial Integrity.
I used ExamCRAM and NCSBN as my sources (NCSBN has links to find information if one needs to study a source.)