Advice needed, ASAP PLEASE


I won't go in to all the particulars of the situation, but, my CC (clinical coordinator) left a phone message on my HUSBAND"S phone (which I gave to them for ER situations) stating a pt's name and meds they were to receive and asking if they had been given (which they had.) It is bugging the hell out of me that my husband not only knows this pt's full name but he also knows one of the medications she is taking! Am I wrong to be upset by this? Am I wrong to think that this nurse, who is my mgr did the wrong thing? I don't talk about my pt's w/ my family except in generic terms but, now, my husband has a pt's full name and meds she gets! WTH! A nurse w/ 20+ years doesn't know better???? Am I mandated to report this????? I swear I just want to call in tomorrow and say I resign...I don't want to have to be spending my time wondering if I am at risk w/ the Board for NOT reporting...... It is seriously making me ill.

Specializes in Dialysis (acute & chronic).

Call your companies compliance hotline and report it. Let them decide how to handle this.

Did you give your company a number that "you" can be reached? All the CC needed to do was to leave a message for you to call the clinic ASAP.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I just don't think its a big deal - what am I missing?

Is your husband somehow going to spread this?

Maybe the manager just looked at the list of phone numbers wrong?

Report it to whom? IMHO - that is going overboard. Why in the world would you think that reporting this to the BON is somehow the right thing to do?

Honest mistakes are not HIPAA violations. I would talk with your manager and just clarify that you want only YOUR cell phone used by them.

It seems like this is maybe the tip of the iceberg for you - you sound so unhappy that maybe looking for another job might be better for you.

No reason to stress over this incident.

Maybe your CC thought that was an emergency. Why did she have that number to begin with? Was the medications not signed out? If not did the CC give the patient double medications not knowing if the patient received the dose? Lots of varibles. Don't stress, too many other things to stress about, unless your husband is a blabber mouth, and he spreads the story to everyone he sees I don't think you have anything to worry about.

I think you are way overreacting. No, she should not have done that. But as long as your husband is not going to post the info on the internet I think it will be ok. Who would report you to the BON? Your husband? I think your cc probably just thought it was your phone. I must say, though, that when calling a DR and getting his vm I always tell them to call me back because I am always afraid I may have misdialed or whatnot. Honestly though, I think you are blowing this way out of proportion. She was wrong, but you seem inappropriatey wigged out by it.

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