Advertising Specs

Specifications for all advertising opportunities found on About Us Advertise

If you have any questions please call us at 1-917-426-3524.

Sponsored Topics

A Sponsored Topic allows you to share your message to our audience. Don't have a writer in your team? Don't worry. You can work with one of our writers.

Sponsored Topic Specifications:


  • 30-80 characters (55 is preferred)
  • No click baiting
  • Short and to the point
  • Clear and specific; It should describe the topic.


  • Minimum 700 words
  • Must be unique
  • Must be appealing to our audience (nurses/nursing students)

NOTE: Date of publication will depend on number of articles awaiting publication.

Article Image

  • Captivating article image 336×280px max
  • Other images may be added within the body

Sponsor Account

  • Sponsor must set up a 'Trusted Brand' Persona account or have one set up for them
  • Username must be the name of the sponsoring agency or brand
  • Password must be shared with the Community Manager for access to account
  • Company Brand Name (visible in article and profile)
  • Company Bio (visible in article and profile)
  • Homepage URL (optional)
  • Social Network URLs (optional)
  • Avatar image 100×125 px (max)

Banner Ads

Advertising space on is available in a variety of configurations including homepage, run of site and individual forums.

Banner Ads Specifications:

  • Image: JPG, GIF
  • Link/URL
  • Available on Mobile, Desktop, and Tablets
  • Preferred file size 30-70k

We display the following ad sizes:

  • Leaderboard (728×90)
  • Medium Rectangle (300×250)
  • Large Rectangle (336×280)
  • Half Page (300×600)
  • Mobile (320×50; 300x100)
  • Spotlight Ad (336×72)


An Eblast is a dedicated email message sent to our audience.

Eblast Specifications:

  • 600px wide maximum, responsive design, 300k max HTML file size
  • JPEG, GIF, PNG optimized images
  • Headline/Title (30-60 characters)
  • Call-to-action & click-thru URL
  • Avoid using an unsubscribe link in your creative as includes one in all eblasts.

Newsletter Sponsorship

Your Sponsored message is placed in our weekly newsletter above the fold.

Newsletter Sponsorship Specifications:

  • Headline/Title (30-60 characters)
  • Text: 85 words max.
  • Image/logo (200×150 px) GIF, JPEG, or PNG are acceptable.
  • Link
  • Call-to-action & click-thru URL

Social Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)

Harness the power of the social media channels (1.2M Followers) to deliver your message to our targeted and engaged audience of nursing professionals and students. offers a variety of Social Marketing options which can be custom-tailored to fit your advertising needs.

Social Marketing Specifications:

  • Text: Keep it short – 5 lines maximum; 85-100 characters is preferred.
  • Image: 480x475, 504×504, and/or 2048×2048 px are the acceptable image dimensions. Fun, less-polished images perform better than typical images recycled from banner ad campaigns.
  • Link to share

Co-Sponsoring A Contest

We run a few contests throughout the year. These contests get a lot of exposure. Your brand can be promoted alongside other partners or by itself.

Contest Sponsorships Specifications:

  • Headline/Title (35 characters)
  • Text: 85 words max.
  • Image/logo (200×150 px) GIF, JPEG, or PNG are acceptable.
  • Link
  • Call-to-action & click-thru URL

Exclusive Contests are completely customizable. Ask for directions.