ADN 2018 temple college

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to make this thread. For the RN. So,we can help out one another or ask questions. Feel free.

Yesssss!!! This wait you guys!!!

Good luck everyone!! Keep the faith !

hey guys!

I just got the email; I wasn't accepted. I am only submitting this comment to reiterate my scores for anyone who is applying for the next cycle or applied this cycle and didn't get in.

HESI: 92.6

GPA: 3.8

Out of district and all pre-reqs done but only 2 co-reqs done.

Good luck to everyone who got in!

Was there a reason provided as to why you weren't accepted.

Nope. All that it said was if you'd like to know how to better your application or make it more competitive, then email Ms. Miller... so of course I did that. To be honest, I am kind of sad because I felt like I was a highly competitive candidate. I can't get a higher GPA, I guess my HESI could do better but it's already kind of high and I haven't taken Life-Span but I am enrolled for the Summer. Really, I am kind of shocked.

What did you make on your pre-reqs? As and Bs ? Disappointing, Im sorry

I just received an email also.

I didn't get in.. but it's okay I'll just apply again! Keep your heads up you guys!

All A's. For my Co-reqs, I have one B. No worries, there's always next time. ;)

I just got my email and didnt get in either always next time!! Next time to apply is June 1st through August 1st for Spring '19

Which email did they use? I did not get an email yet...i used to be a former student at the LVN but i dropped out at some point so im just wondering whether i should be waiting for the email as well.

I thought they only took applications once a year? They are taking applications in June?

I know its only once in a year for fall. CTC and ACC take twice a year

They changed it this year; they will accept applications in June for Spring of '19. I am assuming its because they dropped their classes sizes down from 60 to 35ish.

Also guys, I GOT IN! I mean I had a pretty good case as there was a miscommunication on my application but the decision for me was reversed. I don't know if I should have told you guys because they probably do not want people trying to appeal but you guys saw my stats, I was pretty confused on how I did not get in when I was above their average. Anyway, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE who got in and to those who will be applying in June.

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