ADN 2018 temple college

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to make this thread. For the RN. So,we can help out one another or ask questions. Feel free.

That's awesome congratulations í ¼í¾‰

I wonder where all of the people who got in are? No one is commenting that they got in (and barely any for those who did not get it) yet there are many views on the thread and many people who were posting a few weeks ago.

I am also in guys. Good luck to everyone and keep at it!!

Hello all, I received my acceptance email on Monday and cannot wait to start the program.


Did you have a 3.48 GPA ?

Thank you. 3.48 GPA overall, but 4.0 on required classes for the program.

Oh okay that's awesome. I'm just ready to apply again

I made it in as well! I asked who all got in yesterday. They said 36 total. 1 had 13 pts, several had 12 pts, a few had 11 points (that's me) and the rest were all 10 points.

I've already done all my paperwork, except the stuff that needs to wait, like the flu, tb & drug test. I registered for classes yesterday! I'm so flippin excited.

Congrats to all who made it. To all who didn't, I hope to see you with scrubs on in the spring! YOU GOT THIS!!!

Maagy422, Did you not get an error code when ordering the compliance tracker on Castle Branch?

I've been trying to order for two days already and the website states the package is unavailable.

Hello, I also got in! I placed order with castlebranch but my order didn't link with my account. I was told they're having an issue with system and it would take up to 24hrs to resolve.

I didn't. I signed up Monday evening. If you're trying to get the drug test one, it may not let you???

Congratulations to everyone that got in! I wasn't accepted for the fall but I'm reapplying for the spring. Did anyone have to go through the declaratory order process? If so, how long did it take to hear back from the board?

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