ADN 2018 temple college

Nursing Students School Programs


I wanted to make this thread. For the RN. So,we can help out one another or ask questions. Feel free.

Birdy20, i gotta agree. i think it's just random, as well.

Yes, all pre and co reqs done. I did my identogo back in February though, not sure if that would make a difference?

i believe that would b why u did not get one then, bc u would already have been cleared through tx board of nursing from previous bg check... so u shouldn't need another bg check

That would make sense. Feb is recent. I doubt you would have to do it again if it was for TX board of nursing. I had a BG check done last year in July. It was not for the board of nursing but for another agency over CNA licences such as DADS so I could renew.

Birdy20, this may be ur friend's situation as well... if not, i would tell her to check spam just in case. good luck everyone

I didn't receive a email from identogo just received one from Nancy miller this morning stating my name was sent to the roster.

I received the email, as well.

Yberry you should get an email from identogo soon.

Awesome. I hope so. So I can get it started.

It sounds like we should all receive an email, eventually (obviously, unless you already completed a TX board of nursing BG check). Email stated it pretty much has no bearing on whether you get in or not anyways, so if you don't receive an email, I would not sweat it. Good luck again everyone.

@mm.rn I feel they have to remind people that the email does not mean automatic acceptance. I think it's a good sign they want us to do clearance now. I'm sure we have been rated and as they get new info such as clearance and finished classes our rankings will change accordingly. I feel they would not make us get clearance unless they were truely considering us. Out of 170 something applicants unfortunately only about a third will be accepted. That's the reality of nursing school. There is a shortage of nurses but also not enough spots in nursing school to put out enough nurses. I only knew about the splitting of classes because my friend told me and from this forum not sure why they wouldn't say in the information packs they are starting students in fall and spring. However, I did read about the splitting of classes and shortage from Dr.Copper (either TC website or Temple newspaper from Jan). Sorry ranting, besides the point everyone stay positive. Even if not accepted keep striving. The wait will be over soon enough. í ½í¸í ½í²ª

hello all i received the email as well I do not have to get my fingerprints done since i had already done mine a couple years ago. Can it be the end of May already? So im confused are they taking 60 or 35 to 40 applicants this year??

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