Published Jun 18, 2005
25 Posts
I'm beginnning to doubt the 2-yr program I just graduated from. In reading some other posts, especially from new grads and nursing students, I find a lot of things I didn't know, like potassium I.V. tubing, where to give Lovenox s.q., what to mix calcium carbonate with, etc...
We were an evening program, and we knew we "lucked out" with a lot of easy professors, but I assumed when I graduated and passed the NCLEX I wouldn't be behind others from other programs.
I'm also concerned about the NCLEX. (I wrote this in the survey they just mailed to me.) Some of the best nurses I know, or have had the privelage of working with, did not do so hot in classes or on the NCLEX. I trust them with my life, but here I am, low self esteem and all, and I passed with 75 questions!
My point? I don't think classroom, NCLEX, or even clinical is a good predictor of success. At least in some cases. I wish I had a tougher clinical, although I'm glad I didn't get kicked out.
273 Posts
You can never learn everything or remember everything that taught in the nursing program. Your learning will continue in leaps and bounds in your first few years. You will be trained in your new job, expected to look up drugs, research diseases that you only remember a smidge. Reading nursing journals will keep you up to date. The learning never ends.
175 Posts
I'm beginnning to doubt the 2-yr program I just graduated from. In reading some other posts, especially from new grads and nursing students, I find a lot of things I didn't know, like potassium I.V. tubing, where to give Lovenox s.q., what to mix calcium carbonate with, etc... We were an evening program, and we knew we "lucked out" with a lot of easy professors, but I assumed when I graduated and passed the NCLEX I wouldn't be behind others from other programs.I'm also concerned about the NCLEX. (I wrote this in the survey they just mailed to me.) Some of the best nurses I know, or have had the privelage of working with, did not do so hot in classes or on the NCLEX. I trust them with my life, but here I am, low self esteem and all, and I passed with 75 questions!My point? I don't think classroom, NCLEX, or even clinical is a good predictor of success. At least in some cases. I wish I had a tougher clinical, although I'm glad I didn't get kicked out.
Where can I find this 2 yr night program???? I have been researching evening programs and keep finding 3 yr but you said 2!!!!Where, where, where
I'm in N.J. It's a two-year program, but I needed to take a few pre-requisites so it took me three years. You have to already have Chemistry, Microbiology, A&P, Growth & Development, and some other regular college classes before you begin.
Ok, Ive done Chem, Micro, basic & developmental Psych, Biology, A&P I and II, english comp I & II, sociology, and a few others. My problem is I cant attend during the day (so it has to be night) and I cant travel far away due to family and work. I live in south jersey and all Ive found was Helene Fuld (I was accepted but have to wait til fall 06 and its 3 years) and Widener (whihc is in PA and tuition is extremely expensive.
So where exactly in Jersey is your school? Maybe ill look into it......
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
You can't learn everything and retain everything. We all learn and retain different things. There's probably things you know that I wouldn't know and visa versa. Experience and keeping an open mind to learning from everyone and every opportunity will get you far.
Good luck. :)
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
nelligolightly I hate that you are feeling like your education wasn't up to par. I wondered how I would feel about mine once I got out there in the real world of nursing and I am thankful to say that I feel as prepared as I can be. There is so much MORE to learn. Nursing school was the foundation, and NCLEX confirmed that we could be safe nurses starting out, and the rest of our confidence will come with years experiences. There is no way that I ever expect to know everything about every disease process and you shouldn't either. That's why we have reference books and senior nurses to ask those questions of when we are starting out (thank goodness).
I have worked one full rotation of shifts and I have seen lots of things that I never learned about in nursing school and expect to see many more. There is no way they can teach everything or the course would be 20 years or more. That is where I intend to use the CE credits that I need-to learn about diseases that I don't know about or didn't learn about in nursing school. We were not allowed to titrate drips in ns so I have no clue what that is all about but do expect to learn on the floor. I think that probably about 25 percent of what we know about nursing is what we learned in school and the other 75 percent will come with time.
You sound a little discouraged or frustrated. I think we will be that way as new nurses for sometime and that's normal. I am so thankful that our school had a specific lecture over just this subject. Kind of showed these things realistically so we would have a better understanding of what to expect with our knowledge/skills etc the first couple of years. I hope to learn something new everyday and so far I have. Just try to look realistically at the situation that you have entered and don't be too hard on yourself. Plus we are always here on the boards for one another to lift each other up through this first year and we'll get through it!!!
Good luck and cheer up girl-you made your dream come true!!
1,078 Posts Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA has a 2 year Eve/Wknd program. I will be graduating in December. it is offered every 2 years and will again be offered starting Spring '06. You must apply early and attend an information session first in order to be accepted. The lowest GPA accepted for the last term was a 3.8. 700 people applied for 35 slots. During Eve/Wknd start years, there are 35 day slots and 35 E/W slots.
291 Posts
Did you look into Burlington County College? They have a two-year night program.
Honestly I dont know where BCC is, so I never looked into it. Ima check it out online in a few minutes; if I like what I see maybe Ill get directions! :chuckle It cant be too far from my house/job.
1 Post
what school is this...I'll be applying to nursing school next year. Im applying to Mountainside, County College of Morris, and Sussex County College...