should an ADN new grad bother applying to new grad program if it says BSN preferred?


Hello all, I have been aggressively searching and applying for nursing positions since I graduated in June 2010 (not so new anymore). I am so tired of all the work that goes into each position I apply for, and I am looking at a new grad position that says BSN preferred right now. I applied last time they had a new grad program and never got any sort of response, not even a courtesy rejection email. I know there are so many people in the same boat with me trying to find work, what are peoples thoughts on whether it is worth the effort to apply for a position when it says BSN preferred? I am working on getting into a BSN program, but its going to be a couple of years before I get done. I kinda just want to give up :crying2:

Specializes in (future hope) Genetic Nursing.
Specializes in 6 yrs high-risk OB.
Only if it is the hospital policy. The first 3 nurse managers I worked for were ADN's, one of those was exceptional. The two who were BSN's were terrible managers. More of the alphabet behind your name proves nothing except you finished the course work.

I agree there. those letters behind a name don't necessarily mean anything. In any field of work!

Specializes in MS/Telemetry.

I would definitely apply! I applied for the new grad program here that stated the same thing in the ad. I was hired in July, and have been on my own since October. The current new grads started two weeks ago, and many were from the same ADN program as I was.

Specializes in ER, PACU.

I would definitely apply. If the position said BSN "Required" than I wouldn't bother, but since it doesn't you have nothing to lose except if you don't try.

The worst that can happen is you don't hear from them, but you never know they just might call you for the current posted positions or maybe even another position that may open up.

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

As a new grad ADN in summer 2009 (when the job market for new grad RNs started to really suck), I applied for a "BSN preferred" new grad position at a teaching hospital, and after some lobbying and waiting and networking, was hired. Still there and happy. My fellow RNs are a mix of ADNs and BSNs, and our unit's asst manager is an ADN (though close to getting her BSN). I say go for it.

Good luck!

Specializes in Psych, EMS.

Yes! I have a BSN and one year of experience. I am applying to jobs that state they prefer at least 2-3 years of experience, heck I have even applied to a few that state more experience is required. Employers want optimal they inflate the requirement criteria. If other things make you shine, I say take a chance and apply! :)

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