Admissions to Fall 2024 Accelerated Nursing in Canada

World Canada CA Programs



I am currently a fourth year student in Ontario, and I decided to apply to a few accelerated nursing programs for next Fall. I'm hoping this can be a space to share where people have applied, when they receive acceptances, chat about the process/questions, etc. I've seen previous threads and think it would be nice to have one of our own! 

I have applied to 






Have a Happy New Years!

Yay! I'm glad you started this thread! I applied to accelerated BScN programs at: 





Excited and nervous to hear back ? 

hi! I also applied to those accelerated programs (uoft, mcmaster, western, queens, york). it's mostly just a waiting game now but I'm excited to see what's in store for us!



Hey all! I applied to UofT as well! Unfortunately I didn't have the pre-reqs to apply for McMaster, Western, etc cause of my lack of electives due to my biochem program. High hopes tho. Cheers!

Specializes in BSc, Mental Health, Abnormal Psychology.

Hi! Thought I would chime in. I am attending an accelerated BSN program in BC at KPU. I am in the 2nd semster. 

Hi Everyone!

I applied to UofT, York, Queens and Western. Very anxiously waiting until we can start hearing back from the schools. Best of luck to everyone! ?

Got an acceptance to York one hour ago!! Super excited since it's my second choice! Going to wait for UofT before accepting this one since it doesn't expire for a while

OMG congrats!! I also got my york offer :D but still waiting for all the other schools before I make my decisionn

DesperateAndConcerned said:

Got an acceptance to York one hour ago!! Super excited since it's my second choice! Going to wait for UofT before accepting this one since it doesn't expire for a while

I'm a current UofT nursing student! Traditionally UofT sends out their first round of acceptances the first week (ish) of April! But then they send them out on a rolling basis until the end of May or June :) 

Hi all!

I applied to UofT, Humber, Mcmaster, and TMU (4 yrs).

Very anxiously waiting for the decisions and also preparing for casper next week! fingers crossed ??

whitechoc said:

Hi all!

I applied to UofT, Humber, Mcmaster, and TMU (4 yrs).

Very anxiously waiting for the decisions and also preparing for casper next week! fingers crossed ??

I actually also applied to TMU (Main Site, 4 yrs), and just got in there! I'm anxious about the accelerated programs tho?. I took CASPER a few weeks ago! Good luck to you☺️!

Hi everyone!! 

I applied to UofT, Western, McMaster, Trent, Lakehead, and UBC. I am sososo impatient and can't stop checking my email to see if there have been any offers even though I know they likely won't come for a few more weeks. 

Has anyone heard back from anywhere other than York? Wishing everyone the best luck! ?

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