We have just started to learn about acid-base balance in Patho (had only one class day, and now going to be tested on it on monday). My question is from a study guide paper that my professor made. The question is an acid-base balance problem:
For each of the following, decide:
1) is the person in acidosis or alkalosis?
2) is the origin respiratory or metabolic?
3) is there compensation?
pH: 7.25 (Acidosis)
PaCO2: 61 (Acidosis)
PaO2: 24 (Here is where I'm lost, I believe this is low, I found normal lab value between 75 and 100, is this right?)
So would this make it respiratory acidosis with compensation? My reasoning would be because an acidic pH and an acidic respiratory go hand-in-hand right? and since the O2 is low that means the respiratory system isn't working well enough so it needs compensation?
would it be metabolic acidosis with compensation because the O2 is low so the metabolic system is working to compensate? Could someone try to explain this to me please?